Chapter 16 - Cruisin' for a Bruisin'

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Hello <3

I hope you haven't forgotten about me lmao.

I'm sorry for the lack of updates, I was going through it for a while and I've been slammed with work like crazy, but I have so so so much planned for this story and I'm still beyond excited to share it with you all.

We're getting into the interesting and good stuff now! Enjoy.


The orange and lilac hue of the sky has started to fade rapidly, leaving just the fair being illuminated in bright neon lights from the carnival rides.

Half of me was annoyed that Harry ended up basically stealing me away from the girls, I mean after all he is the last person I want to be spending my time with. But, the other half of me sort of liked it.

Good god I want to slap myself for even thinking that.

He hurt me, and I know me and Harry never really see eye to eye when it comes to... well pretty much anything. That empathetic side of me knew it wasn't his intentions to basically just disregard my feelings and tell me to my face that all we can be is fuck buddies and that's it. Harry never really thinks before he speaks for the most part and that's just who he is, but I'm not letting him just walk all over me as he pleases.

When it comes to Harry, it's his way or no way it's almost like he feels as if he has this imaginary crown and sits on a throne of cockiness. But I have also caught him at his most vulnerable moments, where his deeper self shun through and showed itself to me. For example, when he bought that little boy that princess costume at the Halloween store, or when he sat me down at the diner and said all those really sweet and meaningful things.

He's fucking confusing.

I strolled behind him, kicking little pebbles as I let my mind whirl as always, thinking about what this so called thing is that he needs to tell me. I mean, why should I believe he even has anything to say at all?

As we stepped up onto the metal ramp leading towards the gigantic Ferris Wheel, Harry suddenly turned around to face me placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Stay here yeah? Don't move a muscle," he pointed a harsh finger at me with a raise of his eyebrows as he began to slowly walk backwards towards the ride operator, standing in his little kiosk.

"Wait, wh-

Before I could finish what I was saying, he was already chatting it up in the corner with the ride operator, whispering under his breath as I watched the older man nod at whatever he was going on about. I awkwardly shifted over to the side, letting a few angry couples push past me for holding up the line.

I crossed my arms over my chest, shaking my head as I awkwardly looked around. I looked dumb just standing there in the middle of the ramp.

My eyes wandered over the fair grounds taking in how beautiful of a night it is. Seeing children riding on top of their fathers shoulders, faces full of joy and I couldn't help but smile to myself knowing that those kids were gonna remember this moment for the rest of their lives.

I know I will.

"Alright short stack, let's roll," Harry said as he began to approach me with a smug look on his face. I squinted my eyes at him full of suspicion as he nudged his head towards the ride cart waiting for us to hop on.

"What was that all about?" I asked as he slid onto the red tattered leather of the ride, scooching his ass over so that I could sit beside him.

"What's it to ya huh?" He chuckled under his breath as he lowered the steep bar down in front of us, letting it click into place. "You writin' a book?"

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