Chapter 23 - The Weirdos

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Song - Come On Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners


It still feels weird to wake up to someone in my bed.

I could never tell if I liked it or not, I'm so used to having one side of my bed filled up with laundry, pillows and random crap from my room. But ever since Harry has been sneaking in at random times, I've kept the bed cleared off.

I wasn't expecting him to show up like that last night, I mean after what had happened I thought we'd go another week like last time without speaking to each other.

But I think we both know now, that being apart is not good for either of us.

Honestly, it kinda feels like we live together.

He still doesn't know that I heard everything he said last night when he thought I was asleep, but for now I wanna keep that to myself. Harry has been trying to open up more and I can see that, I just wish he felt comfortable enough to tell me who that girl in the photo was.

But I realized one thing from last night, and that is that time will eventually tell. I feel as if I over reacted and maybe was a tad too harsh on him about the whole Polaroid fiasco, because obviously it's a personal matter and I can't keep trying to pry answers out of him that he's not ready to share.

Plus, how could I even be remotely upset about anything when today is finally Halloween?

I honestly go harder for Halloween and the entire month of October, more so than I do for Christmas. December just reminds me of bad memories and broken families, it reminds me of being constantly cold, horribly made cheesy films, and a terrible case of seasonal depression.

October on the other hand fills me with nostalgia, gorgeous colours of orange, yellow and browns, comforting sweaters and horror cult classics. But my absolute favourite part about Halloween itself is dressing up. I've never skipped a year and I don't think I ever will until the day I die.

The difference was, that this year was the first year that I am actually going out with a group of friends.

My friend group back home thought it was lame, they would much rather sit in Tall Tom's basement which was more like a dungeon, doing all sorts of drugs and getting too fucked up to even enjoy anything.

I always followed the gang over to Tall Tom's place, it was our spot mainly because he was already graduated and a hell of a lot older than us all. He was the only one who had his own home so we never had to worry about getting caught by our parents. But on Halloween I would leave early to celebrate on my own, in my room binging horror movies and stuffing my face with candy.

It was Juda's idea for all of us to head out of the city to a house party tonight, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. The last party I went to here, I got made fun of, Harry was tormenting me, I caught him balls deep in someone's mouth in the washroom, and then ditched and ran into Zayn who I now know is Harry's worst enemy for some reason.

Harry and I both had woken up at around noon today. After laying in my bed as we both stared up at the ceiling, arguing over which song by the cure was the saddest, we finally decided to get up even though usually I don't leave my bed until one on most days.

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