Chapter 20 - Lock The Doors

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Song- paranoid android by Radiohead


You know that feeling you get when you just know fall is in the air? That brisk breeze and the nostalgic scent of dead leaves blanketing the sidewalks. The grey skies that just add to the spooky ambience so perfectly, layering your outfits, hot coffees.

That's exactly what the air had felt like as Harry and I strolled over to his house. We weren't in a rush, I don't think his arm left from around the backs of my shoulder once the entire twenty minute walk.

We spoke a lot about the Newfoundland trip and things we needed to go check out while we were there. He really had his mind set on sneaking up to the top of a lighthouse and camping out up there. Throwing me many different ideas to add to the ladder, it was almost hilarious to see him be so excited over this silly little piece of paper with a red ladder drawn onto it.

I couldn't help the bright smile that filled my face when my eyes locked onto his house.

The outside was completely decorated with Halloween decorations, skeletons hanging from the tree, plastic light up pumpkins sat on the porch, orange little lights rimmed the black railing of the steps.

I knew there was no way it was Harry's doing, most likely Suki's because when it comes to holidays and events, she is all over that.

The two of us didn't even make it up the concrete walk way before Suki and Yas were already swinging the white front door opened out of excitement. My eyes widened in a startle as they began hurdling towards me in a sprint with opened arms.

I could see Harry in my peripheral, pursing his lips to the side in an attempt to hide a smirk or a laugh, his pointer finger and thumb dragging across the corners of his mouth as he glanced down at me. He was almost looking at me to prove a point, that people do actually miss me when I disappear for a little bit.

"Len, it's been a week too fuckin long!" Yas practically squealed as she crashed into me, beating Suki to it as she pulled me into a hug, squeezing the life out of me. She already smelt a tad of liquor mixed with floral incense.

"Yeah, you can blame this one for that," I playfully nudged my elbow into Harry's side, earning an eye roll from him. "Come here don't leave me hanging," I grinned at Suki as she pouted at the fact that Yas got to hug me first. A slow smile formed on her face as she melted into my embrace, the side of her face resting against my shoulder as we swayed back and forth.

"Okay can we all just get inside, the neighbours are probably thinkin we're crazy again," Harry spoke up as he began ushering us all inside like a sheep dog.

The house was the exact same as I remembered it to be. I've only been inside once, but the scent of stale cigarettes and the light scent of incense and candles that attempted to mask the lingering stench of pot, had a sense of familiarity. The entire house practically looked like my bedroom, posters everywhere, different lamps softly illuminating the living room, a fluffy red carpet under the coffee table, a wooden record player pushed up against the far wall near the back door. Their house honestly just gave me this sense of comfort, it was warm, welcoming and natural.

I kicked off my boots as Harry walked inside with his converse still on, strolling to the fridge and swinging the door opened. He squinted his eyes as he scanned whatever was inside before shutting it with a huff.

Anarchy Ladder - {H.S} auWhere stories live. Discover now