Chapter 22 - He's Like Drugs

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TW - mentions of substance abuse / drugs and addiction.

Song - the drugs don't work by Verve


We made it to Harry's car.

He was quick to hop in the back out of breath due to being chased out of the gates by a group of little kids dressed as clowns. God, he was beyond pissed but I just thought it was the most hilarious thing I've ever witnessed.

He had a black duffel bag in his trunk with a pair of clothes and who knows what else, I slid into the passenger seat as I stared out towards the fair grounds while he struggled to change in the back.

"That was a mood killer, I should go back and find those fuckers where are their parents for godsakes?" He huffed out of annoyance and I simply shook my head at his words.

"Harry, they were children dressed up just wanting to play with you they were harmless, it's a day before Halloween what did you expect?" I laughed as I shook my head, reaching up towards the sun visor to pull it down, hoping he has a mirror so I can fix my hair.

As soon as I reached up towards it, Harry turned his head towards me in the review mirror, panic filling his features as I furrowed my eyebrows at the sudden change in his demeanour.

"Lennon, wait a sec-

The second I pulled the sun visor down to reveal the small mirror, a piece of paper ended up falling into my lap unexpectedly. I squinted my eyes as I tilted my head down towards it, picking it up and flipping it over to reveal a Polaroid photo of a girl. She looked young, maybe around early teens with short brown hair and big dough eyes.

She was standing in front of the drained pool of the skate park, her hands shoved in the pockets of her shorts with such a gorgeous smile on her face. The car fell silent and the picture suddenly seemed to feel ten times heavier, emotionally.

"Do you have a sister?" I asked, turning my head over my shoulder as I watched him quickly button up his pants, lifting his hips as he did so. He seemed as if he was ignoring me, not even glancing up at the picture I was holding. "She's very pretty."

"Put it back Len," was all he said in the most stern voice I have ever heard from him. My eyebrows furrowed as he opened up the passenger door, hopping out and roughly walking around to open the driver side door.

"Well, who is she?" I glanced up at him as he sat himself down, letting out a long sigh as his head rested up against the head rest. His eyes shut momentarily as if he was frustrated, but then he looked at me directly, with the most haunting glare in his eyes.

"She is none of your business, and it's better if you didn't know," he reached over, snatching the Polaroid from my fingers and what I didn't expect was for him to crumple it up in his one hand, tossing it over his shoulder. "Do I look like I wanna talk about this topic? Look at my face, does it?"

I clenched my jaw as I stared directly at him, not breaking eye contact, but the more I studied how angry he looked, the more I sort of wanted to cry.

"Told you," I muttered, rolling my tongue over the inside of my cheek as I suffocated on the sudden thick tension.

"Told me what?" He snapped back, raising an eyebrow up at me as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"That every time we kiss, something bad happens. I guess your theory has been tested and proven."

Silence filled the car and he didn't even have to say anything, for me to know he was quietly agreeing with me in his head.

I'm not sure why he suddenly had gotten so upset, if he didn't want me to see it he shouldn't have put it in a spot where people were bound to find it. If I knew it was personal to him, I would have never gone looking for it but it was an accident.

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