Chapter 6 - Bliss and Grief

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Song - Doll Parts by Hole


"Come in!"

My heart was thrashing against my ribs and my words came out breathless. I don't know Harry well at all, for all I know he could completely sabotage me and make a grand entrance to my mother. He seems like the type.

I cleared my throat as I shifted myself against my bed, attempting to look as cool as a damn cucumber.

I watched as the door to my bedroom opened up, revealing my mom as she waltzed into my room, softly humming a tune. Her blonde hair up in a messy bun and out of her face, a soft green sundress flowed like soft waves around her ankles as she made her way inside.

"What's up?" I asked as I folded my arms across my chest, forcing a gentle smile to hide the nerves that were currently clawing at my insides.

"I just wanted to check on you, you never came down for dinner, " she raised her eyebrow at me as her eyes scanned the many band posters on my walls. "I got your favourite take-out."

My eyes flicked down to the small crack under the door to my closest, seeing Harry's shadow shuffle around in the cramped space.

"Mom really, " I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose. I love my mom to the moon and back but it's as if she's completely oblivious of my feelings. "I told you, I just can't eat with him, he chews too loud, his fork scrapes against the plate as if he's going to eat it too, and he sits in dad's spot."

And just like always, a long sigh escaped her lips as she purses them into a tight line. Her hands flattened down the front of her dress while her foot tapped against the carpet.

There was that silence I hated, and now that I think about it, I wouldn't even be upset if Harry suddenly made a noise to break up this awkward little chit-chat.

"Well, leftovers are on the stove if you get hungry, " she gave me a sympathetic smile before turning on her heel towards my bedroom door. Her hand grasping the doorknob as she looked over her shoulder.

"Give him a chance."

My jaw clenched as she disappeared into the hallway, shutting the door behind her softly. I couldn't help how far my eyes rolled at her famous last words.

I flopped back onto my bed, my hair fanning out under me as I took a deep breath, staring up at my ceiling like something interesting was scripted into the stipple.

The door to my closet slowly opened with a creak, and I didn't even bother to sit up to watch Harry finally step out. All I could make out was the exaggerated deep breaths he was taking in as if the closet suffocated him to near death.

"Oh come on, stop being a Debby downer because you don't like the fucker, " he spoke up and I could tell he was now walking slowly towards the bed. "Be grateful she got you some food, I don't even remember the last time my mom even spoke to me."

His words forced me to sit up onto my elbows with furrowed eyebrows. I wasn't expecting Harry to ever talk to me about personal situations in his life, but considering he has nearly finished the entire bottle of wine to himself, I'm not surprised he's being an open book right now.

So much for a drinking partner, more like a drinking babysitter.

I watched as he leaned his lower back up against my vanity, bottle in hand with my sunglasses still placed on the tip of his nose. He sighed as he turned his head to glance down at the clutter on the small counter, plucking a cigarette out of my pack.

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