Violet Clad

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A foot clad in violet dug into the coarse soil of Blood Gulch. "Medical officer [static], what is your status?"

The purple-armored figure brushed some dust from his armor. "I've reached the destination of Blood Gulch, no further details to report," he responded.

"Proceed with the goal, find Private Donut and ter- take care of him." The radio shut off, prompting the man to make his way to the base belonging to Red Team.

He saw a sergeant rallying two privates into battle in front of a Warthog, and thinking one of them must be Private Donut, he decided to speak to them.

"Oh, great. Now there's a new guy, as if things weren't already bad enough," muttered the one wearing orange.

The sergeant turned to the man. "You must be the medic sent in by Command. Welcome to Red Team! I'm the one in charge around here, so if you get an order from Sarge, you have a choice to either follow it or face the wrath of his shotgun!"

"Uhh... what?"

Sarge fired his shotgun at the orange soldier as an example.


"Whoa, you really shouldn't be doing that so recklessly."

It seemed that Sarge had ignored him, which was slightly annoying. Because of this, the man turned his attention to the two privates present.

"And who are you two?" he asked.

"I'm Simmons, and the lazy one is Grif," said the one wearing maroon-colored armor.

"So Donut... is in there. Got it." The medic left the two of them and headed inside of the base. Behind him, he could hear the engine of the Warthog starting up. It seemed the Reds were leaving.

When the purple-armored man entered the building, he saw someone in red armor slumped against the wall with a bucket next to him. This must have been Donut, judging by the fact that he was ill. Donut was clutching his head, his helmet laid beside him.

"Uhm, hello? Are you Private Donut?" This question seemed to get the soldier's attention.

"Please... help... doc... tor..." came the response.

Donut was in much worse condition than the medic had realized. It was painful to see him like this, despite them never having known each other.

"Donut, I... I don't know how I can help you. What's happening to you is entirely unseen. Could you describe what you're hearing?"

"It's... like static... buzzing... loud... Doc, help..."

The medic tried to process this. He accepted the new nickname to make communication between them easier.

"You said it's like... buzzing, or static," Doc noted.

Donut tentatively nodded. It was here where Doc realized Donut may have been beyond the point of saving. His orders were to take care of him, but what if he... took care of him? After all, he took an oath to do no harm and to help others in need. Doc decided that he would try his absolute best to save Donut. He wouldn't allow a repeat of what happened all those years ago. However, his thoughts were interrupted by a sudden, pained yell.


The caves were dark and silent. They were hot as well, making the journey even more uncomfortable for Church. There were times where he considered aborting the mission, but to be honest, the fear of something waiting at the entrance coerced him into continuing. Church was still terrified of the cave, but he was more terrified by the fact that the Reds could be there at the entrance.

Backing out of the cave and turning around to find light, then climbing back up and finding those three idiots waitijg for him. Just the thought sent shivers down his spine. Or maybe that was the temperature of the cave. He wasn't really sure.

Church eventually came upon something incredibly concerning: a cloud of suspicious-looking fog. He didn't want to risk breathing it in, so he turned off his suit's ventilation temporarily.

"Alright... I might die, but at least I won't have to deal with them. Here goes nothing."

He stepped into the fog, visibility dropping sharply. His cobalt armor soon was completely engulfed in the sickly olive color. If this fog started to ascend into the canyon, then this would not be good. Things were looking absolutely terrible for Blood Gulch.

Church descended deeper into the cave, wanting to find the source of the fog so he could potentially destroy it. Normally, he'd leave this work to someone else, but Caboose would have no idea what to do and Tucker would just back out either way. It was left to the Blue Leader to deal with this.

Soon, he found something. It was large and slimy and looked like an egg sac. It occasionally pulsated, which creeped Church the fuck out.

"What the hell is this?!"

He decided to poke it, see what it would do. But this decision was one he would soon regret. Church prodded the lump with his assault rifle, causing rippling across the surface of the lump. He slowly backed away and prepared to shoot anything that moved. Every second of tension made Church's heart beat faster. His breathing grew heavier as the rippling intensified.

Finally, the lump exploded, releasing at least 15 of these terrifying creatures. They had backs like the heads of squids and ten or more legs. They also had pairs of antennae with red frays at the ends.

Church let out a yell as he scrambled away from the creatures while doing his best to shoot them. Some of them started crawling up his arms and legs, and he had to buck them off.  The creatures were seemingly endless, encouraging Church to drop a grenade at his feet and run.

As he made his escape, he noticed the creatures failing to pursue him despite their numbers. He then heard the deafening explosion of a fragmentation grenade and knew his plan had worked. Church finally made it back to the entrance and climbed out of the cave. What he saw concerned him incredibly.

"Oh, you've got to be FUCKING KIDDING ME!"


A/N: Well, that's the fifth chapter of Red vs. Blue: Unleashed. Someone new has arrived in purple armor: the medic, and Donut has given him the nickname of Doc. Meanwhile, Church has decided to go and delve into the caves to figure out what has made Donut so ill. Of course, what he ended up seeing did not instill peace of mind at all. Speaking of peace of mind, what he returned to has made it even worse.

So there's everything that has happened in this entry, I'll probably be posting the next one within a week. If I don't, I give you permission to revoke my rights to autonomy. Actually, I don't give you permission to do that. So please don't. I don't need that kind of struggle in my life right now.

Originally uploaded on 06/13/2022.

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