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"Caboose, keep firing! That fucking jeep isn't invincible!" Tucker ordered as he tossed a grenade in the direction of the Red Team's vehicle.

"My aim isn't very good," Caboose told Tucker as he completely missed the Warthog.

Tucker stopped shooting and looked over st the tank. "Actually... I have a better idea. You can drive the tank, right?" he asked.

Caboose shook his head. "No. But I like to think I can."

"Holy shit, neither can I! Who is running this damn army?!" Despite his frustration, Tucker continued letting loose on the Reds, hoping he'd be able to hit one of them eventually.

"Alright, could one of you explain to me what the FUCK HAPPENED?!"

Tucker knew that voice. "Ah, shit."

"So? Start talking, because I'm at the limit of my patience right now!"

"The Reds decided to launch an assault to get their flag back, and now we're stuck here trying to defend it."

Church sighed. "I'm assuming neither of you knows how to drive the tank."


"God damn it."


Sarge was getting incredibly sick of not killing any Blues. Grif was simply driving them in loops at the front of Blue Team's base, which made the sergeant want to shoot him and take the wheel instead. It was fun to imagine, but now was not the time for daydreaming. Now was the time for action.

"Simmons, I need you to focus your fire on the Blues!" he ordered, wanting to turn the tides of the battle.

"I already am, but Grif keeps driving around and messing me up!"

"Don't look at me, asshole! Sarge was the one who wanted me to do this to avoid getting shot at, like a Blue would manage to actually hit us!"

Just as Grif said that, a bullet struck Simmons in the shoulder.

"Thanks a lot, Grif! You had to say something!"

"Both of you, quit that scabbering!" Sarge commanded.

"Is that even an actual word?! Oh, fuck!"

The Warthog took a sharp turn to avoid the spot where a grenade had been thrown. An explosion sounded behind the Reds as they barely made it out of range. This angered Sarge even more, as it seemed the Blues were managing to turn the battle around in their favor. And that was unacceptable.

"Simmons! Keep raining hell on them! I've got a plan..."

"Right! Just tell me what it is, sir!"

"I'm going to go into the base! You and Grif will have to continue on your own!"

"Sarge, I question the- oh, shit! I question the efficiency of your plan!"

Sarge ignored Simmons and jumped straight from the Warthog to the ground. Somehow, he landed without a single injury.


Church couldn't believe what he was seeing. The sergeant had actually jumped. Was he an idiot?

"Uh, Church? I think we should handle that!"

"Got it. Tucker, I'm going for the base entrance. You give me covering fire, maybe throw another grenade to scare them away for a few seconds!" Church ordered.

Tucker nodded as he reloaded his assault rifle. "Got it. Now go stop that idiot!"

"Caboose, you- where the hell is Caboose?!"


"Hello, and thank you for activating the M808V main battle tank. You may call me Sheila," said a robotic voice.

"Hello... Sheila. That is a very nice name," came Caboose's response.

"Would you like me to run the tutorial program?"

"Oh, that would be very nice. Thank you!"

"Tutorial program initating. This tutorial is intended to instruct non-certified personnel in the use of the Scorpion-class tank. Let's begin with some driving."


"Is he insane?!" Grif yelled out as Sarge ran inside of the Blue Team's base.

"No, but that was definitely not a very logical decision, and I'm starting to question it," Simmons replied.

"Shut the fuck up and keep shooting!"

"You shut up and keep driving!"

Grif scoffed. "I don't take orders from you, but I'm going to do that anyway!"


Grif slammed on the brakes as he saw Sarge run out of the base carrying something. It was... the flag! Sarge got the flag back!

"Holy shit! You actually got it?!"

"Indeed I did, Private Grif," Sarge said as he climbed into the Warthog. "Now step on it! We must return to Red Base!"

Grif didn't argue with that order. He turned around and began driving back to base as quickly as possible.


Donut had only gotten worse since Doc arrived, and he still had no idea what was happening to the soldier. The medic tried his best to help him, but most times it didn't do much.

Doc was now holding a bucket still as Donut threw up in it. He could see some red mixed in with the vomit, which concerned him greatly. Donut continued to expel fluids into the bucket, though it soon just became blood.

Eventually, Donut stopped, but remained in his position in case he threw up again. Doc did his best to keep the soldier feeling comforted, even though he was going through hell right now.

After a few minutes, Donut leaned back against the wall carefully, with Doc's help. He had been weak and nauseous and in pain for the last few hours, though Doc was sometimes able to make things better. Sometimes.

"Agh... no... shut... UP!"

Doc placed a hand on Donut's shoulder and lowered his voice as much as possible. "Shouting will only make it worse. You just have to wait for it to go away."

"I don't... want... too much... can't take..." Donut's voice was horse, and he was starting to tear up now.

"No matter what, I'm going to be with you the whole way through, Donut."

Donut silently nodded, but did his best to push out two more words: "Thanks... Doc..."

He closed his eyes and relaxed. Well, he tried his best to. All of the noise in his head was still causing him unbearable pain, but he was able to get through it.

Doc noticed Donut's breathing growing shallow and uneven, which was beginning to convince him of the worst.

There may not have been much time left for Donut.


A/N: Donut is going to die. The other Reds will likely only be there in time to see him go, but despite not knowing him very well, it's going to hit them hard. But thanks to Church's journey into the cave, maybe he will be able to prevent others in the canyon from suffering the same fate, even if he does as well.

Originally uploaded 06/17/2022.

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