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"I think you need your head examined"

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"I think you need your head examined"

"I'm only here because Vernon didn't like my segment on women's rights" mia rolled her eyes glancing at the high school through the window.

Mia's mom didn't make eye contact "doesn't matter now just get in there and get out I'll be here when you come out" . Mia grabbed her lunch and opened the door to make her way up the school steps slamming the car door


Once she was in the school she saw the high school's so called "princess" and made her way to a chair in a table behind her.

Meanwhile Andrew Clark came Mia knew him when doing a athletic segment on him in the school paper. Then after him a blond haired boy with a innocent look came in and sat in a chair in the table behind me. After him John bender came mia always knew him by the school intercom always calling him to the office.

John moved his sunglasses up his forehead making his hair push back then snaps his fingers to Brian motioning him to get out of the chair which made Brian instantly move to find another place to sit. Before John sat down he noticed everything in the room staring at him then he winked at mia which made her shake her head and turn around in her seat.

Then all of a sudden a girl with hair over her eyes and wore all black came in and stomped her feet all the way to the back and harshly sit down in a chair which made Andrew chuckle a bit.

Then Vernon came in with his little grin that mia wanted to slap off. "well well, your all here I want to congratulate you for being on time". Claire then looked around then raised her hand

"I think there's been mistake I mean I know it's detention but uh I don't think i belong in here". Claire states which made Mia scoff

Vernon continued with his speech and ignored Claire. "It is now 7:06" Brian checked his watch to see if he was accurate. "You have exactly eight hours and fifty four minutes to think about why you're here.. ponder the error of your ways." Vernon says as Mia can hear the spit that John is gathering in his mouth

He then shoots his spit in the air and catches it in his mouth making Claire gasp in disgust. "you will not talk" Vernon glared at claire as Brian was in the process of moving in another chair. "And you will not move from these seats" he says then glaring at Brian which made him quickly move back. "And you" Vernon started moving over to John then grabbing a chair that his feet was resting on. "will not sleep" he finished.

"Alright people we're doing something different today.. your going to write me an essay telling me who you think you are". "Is this a test?" John says but gets ignored. "I when i mean essay i mean essay i don't mean a single word repeated one thousand times, are we clear bender." "Crystal" John replied

"Good maybe you'll learn something about yourself or maybe you'll decide weather or not you care to return". Brian suddenly stood up "I can answer that right now sir and that'll be a no sir-. "Sit down Johnson" Vernon cut him off "thank you sir" he says then sits down making John give him an amusing look. "My office will be right down the hall any monkey business will be ill-advised, any questions?".

"yeah does Barry Manilow know you raided his wardrobe?" John joked getting a giggle out of mia which he smirked at. "I'll give you the answer to that bender next Saturday.. don't mess with the bill young man you'll get the horns" Vernon says with his dramatic exit. "that man is a brownie hound" John stated after he had left. Suddenly the group of teenagers heard snapping behind them which made them turn around in their seats to see a girl biting off her fingernails

Once she noticed how everyone was looking at her she paused for a little bit the did it again. "If you keep eating your hand your gonna be hungry for lunch" She then bit another one of her fingernail and spit it at him. "I've seen you before you know" John says then turned his attention to Mia "and you too"

"hmm stalkers gotta love 'em" Mia replied slouching forward on the table. For a little while it was quite until some mumbling was heard. "who are you?" Brian mumbled playing with a pen "who are you?" He repeated then clipped the pen on his lip "I'm a walrus" he mumbled then quickly noticed John and Mia staring at him then he nervously chuckled and placed the pen out from his lips. "It's the shits huh?" he says

Then John tried to take off his jacket but noticed him and Brian was doing it at the same time which made him stare him down. He then gave Brian a amused look turning back around to crumble a piece of paper in a ball then throw it between Claire and Andrew's heads then he noticed they were ignoring him then stared humming a song while strumming a imaginary guitar

"I can't believe this is happening to me"Claire says rolling her eyes. "oh shit" John pauses "what do we do when we have to take a piss.. well if you gotta go you gotta go" he says following by the sound of a zipper "hey! your not urinating in here man" Andrew says "don't talk don't talk it makes it crawl back up" john rambled "you whip it out and your dead before the first drop hits the floor" Andrew says hostility "oo your pretty sexy when you get angry" John says followed by a growl "hey homeboy" John says turning his attention to brian who pointed to himself to see if he was talking to him "why don't you close that door so we can the writer impregnated" John smirks at Mia "i think you need your head examined" Mia chuckled

"Hey!" Andrew shouted. "what?" John says creasing his eyebrows "if I lose my temper your totaled man" andrew grunted. "totally?" John talked back "totally" andrew replied. John gave him a sarcastic look and leaned back in his chair . "ok why don't you just shut up nobody here is interested" Claire butted in. "speak for yourself" mia mumbled but was enough for John to hear making him smirk and give Claire a sarcastic pout. "really" Andrew agreed

"well hey sporto what did you do to get in here?" Mia commented. "forgot to wash your jock" John added making Mia grin "Uh excuse me fellas I think we should just write our papers" brian says trying to distract them "look just because you live in here doesn't give you the right to be a pain in the ass so knock it off!" Andrew shouted "well it is a free country" John says "you don't have to keep going back and forth just ignore him" Mia sighed "sweets" John says getting Mia's attention " you couldn't ignore me if you'd try" he smirked Mia shrugged

"So are you like boyfriend and girlfriend"

Here we go again

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