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"Its like me you know like with my grades" brian says, "Like, when I
step outside myself kind of, and when I
look in at myself, you know? And I see
me and I don't like what I see, I really
don't." Brian frowned as Mia frowned, "Why don't you like yourself?"
"Yeah, " Claire added, "What's wrong
with you?".

'Cause I'm stupid," he said bitterly, ''cause I'm failing shop. See, we had this assignment to make the ceramic
elephant, and, um. and we had eight
weeks to do it and we're supposed to,
and it was like a lamp, and when you
pull the trunk the light was supposed to
go on. My light didn't go on. I got an F
on it. Never got an F in my life... When I
signed up, you know, for the course I
mean, I thought I was playing it real
smart, you know."

'Cause I thought, I'll
take shop, it'll be such an easy way to
maintain my grade point average." Brian says

"Why'd you think it'd be easy?" John
asked evenly. Brian looked at him,
"Have you seen some of the dopes that take shop?" "I take shop,"

Bender scoffed,"You must be a fucking
idiot." "I'm a fucking idiot 'cause I can't make a lamp?" Brian fired. "No, you're a genius because you can't make a lamp." John replied. Brian leaned forward towards John and Mia, "What do you know about trigonometry?"
"I could care less about trigonometry." he said, "did you know without trigonometry there'd be no engineering?"
"Without lamps, there'd be no light!" John fired back.

"Okay;"Mia said loudly, interrupting
the two, "We get it. Both of you are good
at whatever it is you're good at." Bender rolled his eyes and put his chin on the top of her head

"I can write with my toes,'" Allison said randomly. "I can also eat, brush my teeth..." Claire looked mildly disgusted,"With your feet?"

".. play Heart and Soul on the piano."
Brian piped in with, "I can make spaghetti."

Claire smiled and turned to Andrew, "What can you do?" "I can, uh, tape all your buns together, he replied awkwardly,
"Mia, what about you?"
Mia shrugged, "I can make a newspaper about you." She chuckled, Claire snorted

"I want to see what Claire can do," John
said smugly , and Mia sighed knowing something is going to start up again.

Claire gaped for a split moment, "I can't do anything." "Now, everybody can do something" John protested "There's one thing I can do,"

began, but then shook her head, "No,
forget it. It's way too embarrassing.
"You ever seen Wild Kingdom?" John
asked, trying to get Claire to relax a
little. "I mean, that guy's been doing that
show for thirty years."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁 | 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝖻𝖾𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now