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"What's in there?" John asked claire "guess .. where's your lunch?" Claire asked "Mia's wearing it" John says smirking at Mia as she rolled her eyes with a grin "you're nauseating" Claire mumbled

Mia pulled out her food from inside the bag and looked at her lunch then look back at John and sighed she then grabbed mer Apple and stood up to meet John "here" mia says with a smile then John bent his head to meet the apple and took a bite with the apple in her hand "thanks cupcake" John says with his mouth full and took the rest of the apple

As Mia sat back down john took on of the cokes from the table and threw on at allison who caught it without looking "what's that?" John says as he was looking at Claire's lunch "sushi" she replied "sushi?" John says as his eyebrow raised "uh rice, raw fish, and seaweed" claire chuckled "you won't accept a guy's tongue in your mouth and you're going to eat that" John says "can I eat?" Claire scolded "i don't know give it a try" John says looking disgusted

Immediately after that andrew is pulling all his food out of his paper brown bag including three sandwiches, donuts, a apple, etc causing John and Claire to stare "what's your problem?" Andrew says noticing some stares but all the attention on him went away when Allison was crushing captain crunch cereal on some sandwich tops and then pouring sugar on top of it then crunching the the two tops together to make a "sandwich" everyone was looking at her in disbelief as she took a bite

Everyone then stopped look then did their own thing. Then John got up and decided to go over to Brian and sit next to him "what are we having?" John says folding his hands "uh it's just your standard regular lunch I guess" Brian replied. John then grabbed his lunch bag and started pulling out stuff and pulled out a thermos

"Milk?" John asked "soup" brian replied as John pulled out a juice box which Brian reached for but John quickly slapped his hand away "that's apple juice" brian stated "I can read" John says "PB & J with the crust cut off well brian this is a very nutritious lunch all the food groups are represented did you mom marry mister rogers?"john says

"Uh, no," Brian said, "Mister Johnson"
"Ah," Bender replied, standing once again. "Here's my impression of life at Big Bri's house." Mia shook her head as he got out of his seat "Son!" Bender said, imitating Brian's dad. "Yeah, Dad?" This time, the voice sounded childlike. "How's your day, pal Great, Dad, how's yours? Super! Say, son, how'd you like to go fishing this weekend? Great, Dad! But I've got homework to do! That's alright, son, you can do it in the boat! Gee! Dear, isn't our son swell?"

Next, his voice heightened, imitating Brian's mother, "Yes, dear, isn't life swell?" John mimed the mother kissing the father and then the father kissing the mother before his false
cheerful face turned into a scowl and he
punched where the mother was supposed to be.

Everybody that had previously been
laughing wasn't anymore upon seeing the
upset expression on Brian's face.

"Alright," Andrew said, "What about your family?" "Oh, mine?" John asked, "That's real easy." Mia shifted in her seat as he began acting it out

"Stupid, worthless, no good, God damned, freeloading, son of a bitch, retarded, bigmouth, know-it-all, asshole, jerk!" In a higher voice, most likely his mother, he said,"You forgot ugly, lazy, and disrespectful." John swiped his hand back, as if to slap his invisible mother, "Shut up, bitch! Go fix me a turkey pot pie. "As himself, Bender asked, "What about you, Dad? Fuck you. No, Dad, what about you? Fuck you!"

He was getting louder with each exchange. "No, Dad, what about you? Fuck you!" With a yell, he punched the air that represented himself, and getting back into his own character, he jerked back as if he'd been hit. Mia flinched at his actions feeling bad

"Is that for real?" Brian asked quietly. Angrily, John responded, "You want to come over sometime?" "That's bullshit,"

Andrew said, "It's all part of your image I don't believe one word". John sharply turned his head towards andrew "you don't believe me?" John replied"no" andrew says "no?"john repeated "did I stutter?" Andrew says.

John then walked over to him and pulled up his sleeve to a round burn mark "it's about the size of a cigar, do I stutter? see this is what you get for spilling paint in the garage" John says then roughly pulled his sleeve back down "see I don't think that I need to sit here with you fucking dildos anymore" he angrily says as he walked over to table and pushed all of the papers on the ground and climbed to the balcony

"Why did you feel a urge to say that?" Mia says "how was I supposed to know.. I mean he lies about everything anyways" andrew shrugged "asshole" Mia mumbled then got out of her seat and went up to the balcony and sat next to John. He must of noticed her presence because he had wrapped his arm around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder then silently enjoying each other's presences.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁 | 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝖻𝖾𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now