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It was silent and everyone was just doing their own thing to kill time. John lit his boot on fire to light his and mia's cigarette and started playing a imaginary guitar. "Your one cool chick" John says "well I'm not a bird" Mia chuckled. Claire was daydreaming about something and andrew was messing with strings of his hoodie.

Brian got a boner looking at claire and took a look around the room to see if someone was watching then put his hat in his crotch. Allison found a loose string from her clothes and started wrapping it around her finger causing it to go purple.

Eventually everyone started getting tired. Andrew's head was heavy and Claire's head has dropped in her arms. John's head was in the crook of mia's neck with her head laying on top of his head

"wake up!" Vernon's voice being heard but no one moved a bit "who has to go to the laboratory?" He says causing everyone to raise their hands


After the break Mia sat on the table claire and andrew previous was just writing in her journal with John ripping out pages of a book. "that's real intelligent" andrew says looking at the book pages that was flying around John "your right it's wrong to destroy literature it's such fun to read and ... monyay really pumps my nads" John teased "mon - yare" mia pronounced grinning at him "I love his work" brian commented smiling at mia as John kept ripping pages out "big deal there's nothing you can do when your locked in a vacancy" John says "speak for yourself" andrew grunted "you think I'll speak for you? I don't even know your language"John replied

Andrew ignored him and turned around to face mia "hey you grounded tonight?" andrew said as John had a jealous look on his face "I don't know" mia shrugged "what about you?" Andrew says looking at claire "I don't know either my mom said I was but my dad told me to just blow her off" Claire says "big party at subbie's" andrew says "yeah?" claire asked "yeah can you go?" andrew says "I doubt it" claire shrugged "how come?" Andrew asked "well cause if I do what my mother tells me not to do it's because my father says it's okay there's like this whole big monster deal, it's endless and it's a total drag it's like any minute divorce" claire announced

"Who do you like better?" John asked "what?" Claire says confused "you like old man better than your mom?" John clarified "their both screwed" claire frowned "no if you had to choose between them" mia butted in " I dunno" claire says lowly "probably go live with my brother" she smiled to herself "but I don't know if neither of them gives a shit about me it's like they use me to get back at each other" claire says

"Ha!" a voice behind them says causing them to turn around to see allison with a smug look as she blew her hair out her face. "shut up" claire says as andrew smirked at allison "you're just feeling sorry for yourself" andrew commented "yeah well if I didn't nobody else would" claire replied "aw your breaking my heart" andrew says cooed "sporto" John called "what?" Andrew answered

John then jumped from the railing he was sitting on and stands in front of andrew. "do you get along with your parents?" John questioned "well if I say yes I'm a idiot right?" andrew says "your a idiot anyways but if you say you get along with your parents well then you're a liar too" John says walking away but got shoved by andrew causing him to stumble

"You know something man if we weren't in school right now I'd waste you" andrew growled then John had the middle finger upside down "do you hear this?" John says then begins turning her hand around "want me to turn it up?" John finished. Brian then sat up and walked over to the pair and put his hands on their shoulders which they roughly shoved off "fellas"brian says stumbling by being shoved "I don't like my parents either their idea of parental compassion is just, you know, wacko." Brian says trying to clear the air "dork? .. you are a parents wet dream alright?" John says "well that's that's the problem" brian replied

"look... I can see you getting all bunched up for them making you wear these kind of clothes but your neo-maxi-zo0m-dweebie what would
you be doing if you weren't out making
yourself a better citizen?" John insulted "why do you have to insult everyone?"andrew growled "I'm being honest asshole I expect you to know the difference" John replied "yeah well he has a name" andrew says "yeah?" John questioned "yeah what's your name?" andrew asked "brian" brian replied "my condolences" John says "what is your name?" Mia asked "what is yours?" john says "mispoir mia mispoir" mia replied "your last name is french?" John questioned " I means hope" mia smiled "cute" john mumbled but was enough for mia to hear "so what's your name?" Claire says "what's yours?" John shot back "claire" Claire says calmly

"Ka- laire?"

"it's a family's name"

"It's a fat girl's name"

"Well thank you"

"You're welcome"

"I'm not fat"

Mia toned out for a second until she heard something else john say. "You see, you're going to get
married, you're going to squeeze out a
few puppies, and then" john says then expanding his hands out making Claire flip him off ""Oh, obscene finger gestures     from such a pristine girl." John says "I'm not that pristine" claire denied "I bet you millions of dollars that you are let's end the suspense is it going to be a white wedding?" John says leaning towards her then looks at Mia "are you a virgin?" John says "maybe" Mia shrugged then John walked closer to her ""Over the panties" he continued, staring
so deeply into her eyes

"no bra, blouse unbuttoned, Calvins in a
ball in the front seat past eleven on a
school night?" John whispered making her roll her eyes and John's hand made it's way to Mia's waist "leave them alone"andrew mumbled suddenly ignoring him john kept staring at mia"I said leave them alone" andrew says louder this time

John started to turn his attention towards andrew. "your going to make me?" John says "yeah" andrew says as John walked towards him "you and how many of your friends?" john says mockingly "just me" andrew replied "two hits me hitting you you hitting the floor anytime you're ready pal" andrew continued

John chuckled and waved his hand towards Andrew's face which made him tackle him to the ground. "I didn't want to get into this with you man" John says while his face is on the floor "why?" andrew says pushing off of him "cause I'd kill you... I kill you and your fucking parents would sue me and it would be a big mess and I don't care enough about you to bother" John explained "chicken shit"andrew mumbled when suddenly the snapping sound of a switch blade was heard which made andrew grin his head to see John with the blade in his hand

John then takes the blade and stabbed it in the table next to him. "Let's end this right now.. you don't talk to them you don't look at them and you don't even think about them!" andrew yells as Allison grabs the knife that was buried in the table "I'm trying to help them" John says calmly

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁 | 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝖻𝖾𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now