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Meanwhile everyone was bored and just in there own little world until a loud crash came from the ceiling.

Then John walked out. "I forgot my pencil" he says acting like nothing happened "god dammit" venon voice being heard making John quickly getting under Mia's desk

Vernon threw open the door and
stormed in. "What was that ruckus?" he
demanded. "Uh," Andrew said.
"what ruckus?" "I was just in my office and I heard a ruckus!" Brian helpfully asked,' "Could you describe the ruckus, sir?" Vernon pointed a stern finger at the boy, "Watch your tongue young man, watch it!' John shuffled a little bit under the desk and bumped his head, letting out a groan. Andrew and Mia  covered up the noise by making more noise, banging
their hands on their desks. "What is that?" Vernon demanded, "What? What is that? What is that noise?"

"What noise?" Mia asked, then froze as she felt John's head graze her thigh underneath her skirt. She could feel His hands on her legs, spreading them open. He caressed her inner left thigh and placed light kisses on her right one, making her bite her lip. When his hand came to rest on her legs she lowered her hand below to hit his forehead to shove him off which made him yelp.

To cover the noise, everyone began coughing loudly. "That noise?" Mia
asked Vernon, voice a little choked up
from coughing and having John's head between her thighs. "Was that the noise
you were talking about?" Mia asked "No, it wasn't, "Vernon replied snappily.
"That was not the noise I was talking
about. Now, I may not have caught you
in the act this time, but you can bet I
will." Allison giggled. Vernon pointed to
her, "You make book on that, missy!" He
moved his finger to point to Mia ,
"And you! I will not be made a fool of!" He turned and stormed away, giving them
all a view of the toilet seat cover stuck to
his pants. While everyone laughed
heartily once Vernon was out the door,

When John climbed out from under the desk he gave Mia a grin "should of kept going" Mia says with a shrug "you want it?" John replied with a hand to her thigh "maybe when we're not at school" Mia giggled as John leaned down into a kiss.

They then broke apart as John walked over to Brian. "So, Ahab, can
I have all my doobage?" he asked, his
words so fast that they almost molded together. Brian sighed in disappointed
and dug the bag of drugs from his
underwear to give to John. Once it was
In his grasp , he turned and took Mia by her hand and pulled her with him to the back of the library.

"Yo, waistoids," Andrew called irritably,
"you're not going to blaze up in here!" He says as John and Mia ignored him going in the back of the library

In the back, Bender sprawled himself
out on a chair and brought Mia to the
chair next to him, leaning her against
him as he rolled the blunts. Moments
later, Claire joined them, sitting in a
chair next to them. After Claire came
Brian, and eventually Andrew. Allison
didn't join them, though that fact didn't
really surprise Mia. She couldn't really
picture Allison smoking with them, the
mental image she got was so unnatural.
John passed out the blunts and the party
got started. Andrew went off to the
second floor of the library and
disappeared into the foreign language

It didn't take long for Brian act silly ,trying on John's sunglasses
before bursting into giggles, sending
everyone else into laughter as well. John
lit a match with his teeth and used it to
light Claire up. Immediately claire coughed with a mix of a giggle


After a while, Mia turned over to Allison for a conversation as john and Claire swapped belongings so that they could snoop through each other's things . He got into Claire's makeup brushes and started using one a a toothbrush as Claire found a things with pictures of girls

"Are all these your girlfriends?" Claire
asked him, John glanced at Claire, then at the pictures in her hands, and pursed his lips. "Not anymore, " he said after a few beats of silence, and then looked at mia. Who was laughing at something brian has said as he pulled her a little tighter against him. Claire glanced at them together .

"How come you got so much shit in your purse?" he asked finally, shoving things back into the purse. Claire shrugged a little, "I don't know. I guess I never throw anything away." Hmm" John hummed in response

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁 | 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝖻𝖾𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now