haunted pt. 2 | yeonbin

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2 months later...

Yeonjun's POV:

I woke up to Soobin shaking me awake... for the third time already this week. To be fair, every single time has been completely valid, and I searched the whole house all three times. But I just want to fucking sleep through the night for once. I groaned and brought my hands up to rub my eyes from the light and from the frustration. Don't get me wrong, I'll always wake up for him to make sure he's alright, but each time I checked the house, there was nothing. Maybe it's because he's a bit of a light sleeper that things falling downstairs wakes him up. Not that we even know why things keep falling, but it scares him to death. Especially when he says he hears footsteps coming up the stairs as well. He must be mistaking it for something else because there's nobody here.

"Jun... Yeonnie... I-I don't know what to do. I-I'm scared—"

"I know, I know..." I said, squinting as I sat up and threw the covers off me. I took a deep breath, quietly standing up and grabbing the bat underneath our bed, "Was it the slam again?"

"N-No..." He replied, making me finally look at him. I widened my eyes a little when he had tears streaming down his face, one of his hands over his chest.

He looked like he was in pain, and I almost lost it when I saw the red color staining his shirt. I quickly dropped the bat on the floor and climbed onto the bed closer to him, "Oh my god, what happened?!"

"I-I don't know..." He stammered, wincing as he lifted his hand up. My lips parted when his shirt was ripped, three large scratches going across his chest from his shoulder to his heart. There was a little blood seeping from each of them, and the symmetry made my face go pale. It broke my heart when he looked at me, sobs escaping as he said, "I-I woke up with these, b-but there wasn't anything here."

"T-Take your shirt off and lay down, ok? I'll clean them up." I tried to stay calm, but it wasn't working very well. When Soobin's hurt, I go into full-on panic mode. But then after he's stable, I go into all-out protect mode. It's like a switch inside my head, and I know it's there because I love him so much that I don't want to see him like this.

I helped Soobin carefully take his shirt off, bunching it up so that he could press it against the cuts. I held the back of Soobin's head so he could gently rest down on our mattress again, whimpering and noticing how his hand was shaking. My heart was beating fast as I got off the bed and ran into our bathroom, flustered as I rummaged through the medicine cabinet. I quickly grabbed the rubbing alcohol and some cotton balls along with a bandage for his wound.

When I came back to him, I laid everything out on the bed. I grabbed the rubbing alcohol first, taking a cotton ball and pouring some of the wound cleaner on it. I put the bottle down on Soobin's nightstand so that I could gently take his hand away from the cuts. He was trying his best not to cry as he pulled away, dipping my hand down and lightly pressing the cotton ball onto his wound. He whimpered in pain, and I felt awful.

I knew I needed to clean it, but I didn't want him to be in more pain than he already is. I brought my other hand up, caressing his cheek a little to tell him I was here. I leaned down and kissed his forehead, whispering, "I know it stings. I'm sorry." And then gently tried to clean the cuts on his chest.

How did this even happen? All of our doors and windows were closed, so it's not like an animal got inside our room. And how would they even get through the window on the second floor anyways? I swear, as soon as I'm done, I'm triple checking this entire house.

"W-When I woke up, there was nothing..." Soobin said, wincing and squeezing my arm from the pain, "I-I don't know what happened. And then I-I heard heavy footsteps going down the stairs. It w-was like someone was running away as I was trying to wake you up. It makes n-no sense."

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