[M] librarian pt.1 | yeonbin

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In England during the 1950's, Soobin works part time at the local university library after he's done teaching. He's happily married, but after all these years, he never imagined to meet someone as peculiar as Yeonjun.

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Soobin's POV:

I was rushing, going to be late if I don't leave as soon as possible. I have a class to teach at nine, and it's nearly half passed eight in the morning. I quickly threw on my blazer, finishing packing up my bag to take with me. I slung it over my shoulder, needing to bring a hand up in order to push my glasses up the bridge of my nose. They were sliding down so much since I get a bit anxious when I'm late. I hurried down the stairs, smelling the food my wife was preparing with every step. It made me softly smile even in this flustered state, my feet making their way towards the kitchen instead of the front door.

I saw Emily through the doorway, already in a light blue dress with an apron over it to make sure there were no stains left behind. She was by the stove, her head turning towards me when she noticed my presence. Her hair was done up nicely, the light make-up on her face seeming more natural that artificial. She gave me a little smile, "Do eat before you go, honey. I brought in the paper already."

I laughed lightly, taking a few steps closer to peek over her shoulder. I wanted to see what she was cooking; eggs and bacon in the pan. I could hear the toaster clicking as well with each passing second, knowing she threw in a couple of slices of bread, "I'm going to be late." I replied, gently placing my hand on the small of her back and beginning to curve my fingers around her waist.

She paused her cooking, a small pout on display now, "You'll be grumpy all day if you don't eat something. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."


I hate cliché.

Her eyes went soft, staring directly into mine because she knows how that breaks me every time. I was silent for a few seconds, and then sighed to myself. I gave in, leaning forward to kiss her forehead before I said, "I'll eat quickly before I go."

She flashed me that smile again, "Good, good. Go sit and I'll prepare a plate for you." She said, motioning with the spatula in her hand towards the table on the other side of the kitchen.

I pulled away, taking my bag off my shoulder as I made my way to the table. I sat down, instantly grabbing the paper to try and read as much as I can before I need to leave. I know I should probably be heading out right now, but I would feel more terrible if she cooked me food and I left without eating it. Her cooking is lovely as well, enjoying whenever I get to sit down and have a proper meal with her. Isn't that what every husband wants? To sit down and have a meal with their wife?

Emily; she's just perfect.

We met back in secondary school and have been together ever since. It took me a while to build up the courage to ask her on a date with me, but I finally got there eventually. I still can't believe she chose to be with me. I was a complete outsider, a dorky book worm that was way out of her league. Yet, our parents were friends, so it's almost like us being together was eventually going to happen. We've been married for three years, together as a couple for five.

I really couldn't have asked for a better wife. She let's me do my own thing, and still takes time out of her day to do things for me. I try my best to keep up; protecting her and taking care of her like a husband is meant to do. I get nervous that I'm not enough, especially when her parents are around. I'm not much of a manly man if you understand what I'm saying. My favorite hobby is reading, not sports or recreational activities. I'm quite unathletic if you were to ask me, and it scares me when her parents want me to be more of a man.

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