haunted pt. 3 | yeonbin

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2 weeks later...

Yeonjun's POV:

Soobin reached out and fixed the collar of my polo shirt, softly saying, "Everything's going to be fine. They were very kind on the phone."

I sighed to myself, bringing a hand up and running my fingers through my hair. Soobin had called this couple last week; he saw an ad in the newspaper about them being paranormal investigators. I rolled my eyes at it, but we don't have much of a choice and we really need the help. Soobin was much more willing to talk to them, so he called and scheduled an appointment for them to come by. They want to spend the night in the house as well, apparently they do that in every investigation. I don't know. Maybe I'm just anxious about what they're going to find, "What exactly did you tell them again?"

Soobin moved his hands from my collar to my hair, gently fixing it because I must've messed it up just seconds ago, "I told them that we're brothers and this is our late mother's house that we inherited. I said it was a vacation home. We should go by our English names as well."

I pursed my lips and nodded, "Alright."

I think he could tell how anxious I was; he always knows exactly what mood I'm in. He took his hands away from my hair, resting them gently on my chest. His fingers slightly curved over my shoulders, and he pouted at me, "What's wrong?"

I pressed my lips together in a thin line, "I don't like being here..." I quietly said, my eyes looking down at my feet, "I know we don't have the money to move, b-but I'm terrified that one of us is going to get hurt."

"Hey..." He replied, wanting me to pick my head up. I did as he asked, looking into his soft gaze as he rubbed over my chest, "That's why we're getting help, ok? We'll keep each other safe."

I nodded, still unsure about everything, but I mumbled out, "Kiss me before we can't for the rest of the day."

That made him smile, not hesitating to lean forward and press his lips against mine. He was smiling as we kissed, and I took the opportunity to place my hands on his waist. God, his kisses are so sweet, lips so soft that I feel like I could float away on them. I dipped my head back in for another kiss when he pulled away, feeling his hand sliding up to the side of my neck. His touch is so warm in this cold house, and it made my chest flutter with love.

We pulled away when the doorbell rang, knowing that was the couple we called for help. I didn't let go right away, kissing Soobin's nose before I whispered, "Love you."

He giggled and kissed my cheek, "Love you."

. . . . . . . .

We've been showing them around the house for the last twenty minutes, trying to tell them every little thing that's happened in our house. Even something as simple as a cabinet being left open when we know we closed it. We've only been walking around the first floor, the hard wood creaking as we made our way upstairs. I think they're buying our story so far that Soob and I are brothers, and thank goodness because I don't want to have to deal with homophobic people right now.

They've actually been very kind to us, listening to every story we've told them with total captivation. They believed us without a split second of hesitation, and it's nice to actually talk to someone else about what's been going on. Their names are Ed and Lorraine Warren; a married couple from Connecticut not too far of a drive from here. Lorraine is a psychic and Ed is licensed by the Church to perform exorcisms. Quite an interesting couple if you were to ask me.

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