mafia pt. 2 | yeonbin

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Soobin's POV:

"Soobin, the Three Dragons Gang is on our asses again." Seonghwa said, and I instantly rolled my eyes.

I dropped the pen in my hand, groaning a bit, "What happened this time?"

Everything has been a bit much lately. It's been about a month since my dad died, taking over the family business basically. I've had to get over it quickly, not being able to show much emotion during the day or even at the funeral. All of the staff was there, and I wasn't able to break down and cry in front of everyone. At least Yeonjun lets me break down in front of him, and for the first week that my dad was gone, that's what I would do every night.

Things are a bit better now, trying to ease into taking over. There're big shoes to fill now that he's gone, and it's all on my shoulders if I fuck up. I've been kind of stressed since everything happened so suddenly, but I'm just doing the best I can.

Seonghwa sat down in the seat across from my desk, "They tried to hijack one of our shipments again, but they weren't successful."

I chuckled, "Of course, they weren't..." I leaned back in my chair, "Where was this? Jeju? Busan?"

He nodded, "Busan imports. It was a shipment of heavy weapons."

I pursed my lips for a moment, raising an eyebrow, "I'm guessing Wooyoung has a summary of the event, yes?"

He nodded, smiling as he reached his hand out. He was holding a folder, handing it to me, "Already wrote one up for you."

I smiled as well, taking it from him, "He is a God send..." I replied, and Seonghwa chuckled a bit at what I said. I opened the folder, beginning to read the report as I asked, "Shouldn't they be back from their little mission by now?"

I was scanning through the papers as Seonghwa said, "I think so. It was just a track and report mission. Woo said they'd be back for lunch."

I hummed in response, smiling, "Oh good, there was no loss of shipment..." I mumbled, running my finger across the page to help me read faster, "Only a few people injured, but no losses – Good, good."

I was cut off when there was a knock on the door, picking my head up from the report. I didn't have to ask before Seonghwa went over to see who it was. He spoke to the guards outside for a moment, turning back to me, "It's Wooyoung."

I smiled, "Perfect, bring him in..." I said, gently placing the folder down on my desk. He hesitantly stepped inside once Seonghwa opened the door wider. Seonghwa closed the door, and I instantly said, "Just the person I wanted to see! I was reading your report about the Busan shipment and had a couple of questions."

He seemed anxious, playing with his fingers, "Y-Yeah—Boss, I promise I'll answer your questions, but I think there's a more pressing matter."

I scrunched my eyebrows together, confused, "Alright, what is it?"

He took a deep breath, "So, uhh... We just got back from our track and report—We got the information we needed..." He faded off, like he didn't want to get to the point.

I crossed my arms over my chest; he's terrible at hiding things, "Did something happen?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He took a step closer, "Well, before I say anything; Yeonjun's fine—Uhh... Y-Yeah, he's in tip top shape!" He replied, giving me a thumb's up and then instantly brought his hand up to bite his fingernails.

I clenched my jaw, my stomach doing a flip at the same time. I fear the worst, especially when it's about Yeonjun. I stood up from my chair, placing my hands on my desk and leaning on them a little, "Wooyoung, you better tell me right now if he's not ok." I deadpanned, glaring at him.

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