[M] just friends pt. 2 | yeonbin

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2 weeks later...

Soobin's POV:

I was trying to unbutton Yeonjun's shirt fast, making out with him at the same time. We're always in a rush when we come to the abandoned bathroom behind the old soccer field, only having about forty-five minutes for lunch break. We usually eat and then sneak away here when we want to meet up, and today we don't have much time before we have to get to class.

I was sliding my hands across his stomach when I got most of his shirt opened up, loving the way his muscles feel. He had one hand in my hair, tugging at the ends a bit from the intensity of our kiss. His other hand suddenly rubbed over my crotch, humming a bit against his lips from any sort of friction. I kept my eyes closed as I detached our lips, leaving a string of kisses down his jaw instead. He took his hand away from my hair, fiddling with the button of my pants.

I pushed him back lightly until he ran into the counter, putting my hands on either side to trap him here with me. I felt his breath against my ear, his head tilting to the side to give me more access to kiss down his neck. His skin is so soft, moving forward to grind our crotches together once he got the zipper of my pants down. He was spreading his legs a bit for me, and I took the opportunity to move into the space he created.

I paused when he sniffled in my ear, making me back away from him because I was confused. I opened my eyes to look at him, scrunching my eyebrows when his eyes were glossed over. He couldn't look at me, his attention focused on undoing the button on his pants instead, "Jun? Hey..." I quickly said, worried about him, "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" I asked, pushing myself back a bit incase I was pressing him against the counter too hard.

He shook his head, not even sparing me a glance, "I-I'm fine. It doesn't matter..." He noticed I had moved away, reaching out and grabbing a fist full of my shirt when he lowered the zipper on his pants. He pulled me towards him, "Just fuck me." He replied, not getting the chance to react before he kissed me again.

I tried to pull away from him, but he was resistant at first. I could feel how his bottom lip was quivering against mine, and he seemed annoyed when I finally got away from him, "It does matter..." I said, and his grip on my shirt was tightening, "What happened?"

He lowered his head, refusing to look me in the eye, "I-It's stupid..." He replied, sniffling before bringing his hand up to try and rub the tears out of his eyes, "It's nothing."

"It's not fucking nothing if it's making you cry..." I quickly said, bending down a bit to match his eyeline. There were more tears welling up, softly saying, "You can tell me."

He blinked a few times, a single droplet escaping and sliding down his cheek, "M-My grandma died last night..." He whispered, his voice breaking a bit. I widened my eyes, my heart cracking just from seeing him like this. I don't think I've ever seen him cry before, and he barely opens up to me at all. He sniffled again, "I-I know it's stupid, b-but we were just r-really close."

"That's not stupid— Oh my god, come here..." I hurried to say, wrapping my arms around his shoulders as fast as possible. He let go of the grip he had on my shirt, gently snaking his arms around my waist in response. He dropped his head onto my shoulder, and my heart crushed into pieces when he let out a sob. I rubbed his back to help calm him down, but I don't think it was helping much. I leaned my head on his, closing my eyes as I whispered, "I'm so sorry."

His crying only intensified, saying between sobs, "Sh-She was everything t-to me."

I've heard him talk about his grandmother before, always in a happy mood when he gets to go and see her after school. I'm pretty sure that she was the one person that Yeonjun would go to about everything since he always felt so intimidated by his parents. I think she was sick and had been in a nursing home for a few years, but he would still go and see her a few times a week.

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