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i had this thought last night and Kaia would DEFINITELY bully Taylor into releasing Evermore Long Pond Session. Kaia would be an evermore bitch for sure. she would make Taylor perform the songs live and film them for the fans. She rly would. Like at gun point, seriously. She would also bully Taylor for that Closure intro.
Also her favourite song is 'Tis The Damn Season.

That's Kaia for yall

Please enjoy this chapter!! Thank you so so so much for 5K reads wtfff!! I love you guys!


When Kaia walked into the house with a grocery bag filled with bags of crisps, tubs of ice cream, and multiple packs of beer, she hadn't expected the sweet smell of baked goods to engulf her so warmly.

She got out of her windbreaker and shoes and popped her head into the kitchen where she found Taylor haunched over a saucepan, whisk in one hand and phone in the other.

An old familiar song was coming from her phone, one that Kaia specifically remembered getting shit for listening to it from Taylor. And yet here she was, listening to it herself. With a little smile on her face, Kaia crept up behind her and stepped on her tiptoes, resting her chin on Taylor's shoulder to try and see what she was making.

"What is that?" Kaia laughed, pointing at the melting, brown goo.

"Christ! Kaia!" Taylor exclaimed, jumping in surprise. She turned around, a frown settling on her face. "Could you have crept inside any quieter?"

"Probably, yeah," she grinned crookedly, pressing a soft peck on Taylor's pouting lips. "What are you making?"

"Caramel!" Taylor responded, a little excited pep in her tone.


Kaia set the grocery bag on the counter and started emptying it, placing the ice cream in the freezer and the beers in the fridge to allow them to cool before her friends arrived.

"Because I'm making cinnamon rolls!"

Kaia raised her eyebrows, tilting her head to the side. "Caramel with cinnamon rolls?"

"It's great!" Taylor nodded eagerly, turning the heat off under the saucepan. "Also, I made French toast."

"Again... why?" Kaia laughed, pulling the bottle of orange juice from the fridge and grabbing an empty glass to pour some in.

"I wanted to make you breakfast. Should I need another reason?"

"Oh, you were serious about that!" Kaia spotted the plates with the French toast on the table, decorated beautifully with powdered sugar and some red fruits on top.

"Why wouldn't I have been serious? I've been making you breakfast all week," Taylor shook her head at Kaia as she poured the caramel into a saucer. She then brought it over to the table in the middle, kissing Kaia's cheek on her way. "Voila!"

"Ah, merci! You've been spoiling me a lot lately, darling."

"Well, you're mine to spoil, and I love doing it," Taylor responded with a wide beam.

They sat down and started eating in comfortable silence. Kaia kept stealing glances at Taylor, her wet hair tied up in a bun. She was dressed in an old sweater from the very back of Kaia's closet with a pair of purple leggings.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Taylor asked while chewing on a piece of strawberry and dipping another one into the caramel.

"You chose my most worn-out jumper," Kaia laughed, wiping her mouth with a napkin before bunching it up in her hand. "I bought in year 10!"

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