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• Taylor Swift Takes The World By A Storm With Her Brand New, Jaw-Dropping Single "Look What You Made Me Do"


"So, you deleted everything on Instagram?" Layla asked from her spot in the armchair placed in the corner of the room.

"Yep," Taylor responded from the walk-in closet. She was hidden behind the doors in only her bathrobe as she chose her clothes for the evening. "And all other social media platforms."

"Right. Naturally. Because deleting thousands of tweets and Instagram posts is that simple," the older Browne sister responded with a quiet scoff. "And you unfollowed everyone?"


"Even your girlfriend?"

"Especially my girlfriend," Taylor laughed, finally walking back into the bedroom in a black slip dress. "No offence, babe."

"None taken," Kaia snorted from her spot on the bed, running her wet hair through a towel. "People would go ballistic if she unfollowed everyone but me."

"And your Instagram posts are lame," Layla shot back at her sister who dropped her towel in her lap abruptly and glared holes into her face. The glare was aimed at Taylor next when she dared to snort.

"I'll be sure to send you every single picture or video I'm going to be posting, captions included!" Kaia threatened Taylor who only beamed in response.

"Thank you! It's not like my photo gallery doesn't already revolve around you and the cats and nothing else," she responded sarcastically, making Kaia roll her eyes as she continued to towel-dry her hair. "Besides, that way I take back all control over the narrative. Oh no! Taylor Swift followed this celebrity but unfollowed this one! New drama alert? No, thanks."

"Right, that's fair enough," Layla chuckled, tossing the beauty blender she was playing with in the air and catching it. "Who's going first?"

"I guess I'll go," Taylor replied and went to settle down in front of the mirror. Layla walked over to her, bringing her make-up kit in tow.

"Right, and the music video comes out tonight?"

"Yep, we'll still be at dinner when it premiers at the VMAs," Taylor explained, leaning back comfortably in her chair to allow the make-up artist to work her magic.

Kaia smirked from her place on the bed, her phone in her hand.

"What's with that look?" Taylor asked, meeting Kaia's eyes through the mirror.

"What look?"

"You know, for a professional actor with several awards, you're really the worst liar ever."

Kaia dropped her hand over her heart, pretending to be hurt. Really, she gave it an Oscar-worthy dramatic performance. "You wound me!"

"Mhm—mm," Taylor hummed, her eyes dancing amusedly before she closed them as Layla began applying a product on her skin. "What are you planning?"

"I am not planning anything," Kaia responded, walking over to the ensuite to grab her nail kit. She sat back down on her side of the bed near the reading lamp and started filing her nails. They had gotten longer than she was comfortable with in the past week. It didn't help that her girlfriend had been especially busy lately.

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