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"Oh, shit, is that the time?" Kaia exclaimed when her phone lit up with a notification. She hadn't noticed just how fast time had passed while helping Jules pick an outfit for an event she had that weekend.

"What's that?" The model asked from behind the dressing room curtain.

"It's one o'clock and I need to go home and change!" Kaia shot back, opening her chat with Taylor, but the last text the singer had sent her was just a sarcastic spam of heart emojis after Kaia had sent her a meme that reminded her of her. In retrospect, it was a little mean to tease her like that, but it was all in good fun. She would have to make it up to her girlfriend with a very fun night of naked cuddles, which she really didn't mind at all.

Maybe Taylor was running late as well. That, or she must have completely forgotten that they had promised to meet Layla at two. Either way, she didn't seem too concerned that Kaia was late.

"What do you have?" Jules asked, poking her head out from the side of the curtain. "I thought we could grab lunch and check out some other stores!"

Kaia winced, shaking her hand to push her watch back down to her wrist before leaning her chin over her knuckles.

"Ah— Tay and I promised Layla we'd help her out with the new flat. You wanna come?"

Jules scrunched her nose and ducked back behind the brick red curtains. "No, thank you. I'm sure it's going to be a mess."

"It will be, yeah," Kaia chuckled. "Come on, then. How's that dress looking?"

Jules was quiet for a moment before letting out a strangled grunt. Kaia heard a bit of shuffling before the dark-haired model stepped out of the dressing room, and turned her back to Kaia. "Mind zipping me up?"

"Sure," she hummed, getting up and walking up to her friend. She pulled the zipper up, pushing Jules hair over her shoulder to avoid a painful hair-pulling problem when she tried to get out of it. Kaia dropped her hands on Jules's shoulders and gave them a tight squeeze. "Dude, this is one!"

"Are you sure...?" Jules frowned at the mirror, standing up on her tiptoes and turning a little to the side, the silvery dress flowing. "It's not too much?"

"It's perfect! You look stunning!" Kaia told her with a genuine beam. "You'll be the star at that gala."

"Thanks," Jules chuckled, her cheeks turning red. She turned back around, stepping down to her real height, and planted a kiss on Kaia's cheek. "All right, then, I'm going to get out of this one and then we can go!"

"Sure, I'll be waiting outside!" Kaia sighed, making her way through the store and waiting on the sidewalk near the door.

She glanced up when the door to the shop opened and Jules walked out, shiny bag in hand. "Shall we?" She asked, locking her elbow with Kaia's, her sunglasses dropping over her eyes.

They started walking down the street toward Jules's rented car, arms linked together.

"Oh my god!" Jules exclaimed out of the blue. Kaia stopped and turned to look at her in alarm.

"What? What's wrong?!"

"Look at that dress!"

Kaia raised her eyebrows, before narrowing her eyes at her friend. "Julianne, you really have to stop giving me mini-heart attacks like that!"

"Oof, did you just Julianne me?" She mumbled, before turning them both around to face the glass window of yet another store. "Look at it! It's beautiful!"

"It is... but it's not appropriate for a gala, is it?" Kaia asked, wiggling her nose up at Jules.

"No, I meant for you! You'd look so good in it, Kibs."

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