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Happy Pride Month besties<3 🌈 embrace the gay by enjoying this very gay story<3


The room grew more tense as the silence stretched. Taylor sat up and turned on the lamp next to her. She looked at Kaia with a small frown.

"What's wrong?"

"What?" Kaia murmured in response, blinking at Taylor.

"What do you think?" She repeated, her voice tight. Kaia's reaction might not have been the one she was expecting. Kaia herself had no idea why she had suddenly frozen.

"I... pffff," she let out a heavy breath and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, Tay," she said softly, resting her head against her pillow.

"What don't you know?" She chuckled, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "It's not a hard question."

"What was the question?"

Taylor gave her an 'are you serious?' look but humoured her anyway. "What do you think of me moving to London?"

Kaia's brain was still trying to process it. She opened her mouth in bafflement but no words came out so she closed it up again, trying to collect her thoughts. "I don't know, babe. Can we talk about this tomorrow?"

"It's just a simple 'yeah, that'd be great,' or 'no, I don't want you here' question. What do you say?"

"No, it's not that simple, Taylor. Not when there's so much to consider. Can we do this in the morning? When I'm less drunk and tired?"

She turned to lay on her side, trying to get comfortable but Taylor didn't budge.

"You mean, when you're going to be hungover and decide to go on your daily morning run that you can't put off for even one day, by your self?"

Kaia sat up slowly, leaning on her elbows and regarding Taylor with a frown. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," the blonde sighed, resting against the headboard and crossing her arms over her chest. "I just... nothing. It doesn't mean anything. I'm just saying."

"What are you saying?"

Taylor clicked her tongue, flipping back down on her back. "Nothing. Why are you getting so defensive about it?"

"I'm not!" Kaia scoffed, fluffing her pillow rather aggressively and then flopping back down against it with a huff. "But you did mean to say something and you're getting defensive about it."

"I'm not getting defensive about anything!"

"What were you going to say?"


"Nothing?" Kaia repeated with an eyebrow raised. She knew it wasn't nothing.

"It's just— you've been going out in the morning for hours to workout alone and, it feels like you're doing it to get away from me. I've been here a week and it feels like you just want to spend all your time by yourself most of the time, unless it's in here. Like, in this bed!"

Kaia's eyebrow joined the other one. "Well, I didn't ask you to come, did I?"

Taylor's face looked like it had just been splashed with freezing water, like she had just been slapped. Kaia immediately closed her eyes in regret, a rush of icy wind seemingly passing through her. Her whole body felt prickly.

"No, you didn't," Taylor agreed in a mutter, sitting absolutely still.

"I didn't mean that," Kaia said softly, meeting Taylor's gaze. "I'm sorry."

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