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May 8th, 2018
Glendale, Arizona

The sun had already started to set, turning the sky all shades of pink and orange as the cab came to a stop at a red light. Kaia hugged her one backpack close to her chest, flipping her phone over and over on top of her knee. She had been so thankful that the airport was so close to the stadium that even though her plane landed just an hour before the show was set to start, she would have enough time to make it.

But, she hadn't anticipated just how much traffic there would be, cutting it this close to the start of the concert. She could see the entrance to the stadium in the distance with a long line of cars causing traffic as drivers stopped to drop off young teenagers, jumping excitedly at the sound of music blasting from inside.

The opening act was almost done, shit.

As if on cue, Kaia's phone started to ring and Andrea's name popped on her screen. She answered immediately just as the cab started moving again.

"Hey, hon, you almost there? The show's starting soon."

"Hey, Andrea! Yes, I'm literally a minute away, there's just a lot of traffic—" She started explaining when the older woman interrupted her.

"Oh! Honey, tell the cab driver to drop you off round the back. Your name's on the list. They'll let you in," she explained and Kaia held the phone against her shoulder to relay the message to the cab driver, asking him to drive around the back instead. "You sure you don't want me to tell her you're coming?"

Kaia smiled to herself, fiddling with the locket she had around her neck. "No, I want to surprise her."

"Well, she's going on stage in five minutes. So, she'll have to find you in the audience," Andrea chuckled. There was a bit of shuffling on the other end before she spoke again. "All right, I'll see you in there, dear. Text me when you get there. Security will help you find your way anyway."

"Thanks, Andrea. I'm almost there, anyway," Kaia said, ready to hang up, but she stopped. "Hey— how's she doing?"

"Ah, well, she's nervous, of course. Pouty, cause you're not there. And— well, she's really excited—"

"Mom, can you— oh, sorry, didn't know you were on the phone."

"Tell her good luck on my part?" Kaia asked, when Taylor spoke again, having heard her voice.


Kaia's smile immediately widened. "Hi, baby. I just called to say good luck, and I love you!"

"I love you too," Taylor mumbled. "I wish you were here."

Kaia covered her mouth with her hand, just as the car rolled to a stop. "Me too... listen, darling, you're going to be great out there, okay? I can't wait to watch you."

"The London show's not for another month," Taylor huffed.

"Is this it?" The cab driver asked and Kaia glanced out the window, spotting a small door with a bulky man standing guard outside.

"I think so," she replied, unzipping her bag to pull out her wallet. "Tay, I have to go, and you probably do too, don't you? I love you so much, okay?"

"I love you more! Have a great day at work!"

"Mhm..." Kaia grinned as she ended the call and handed the cab driver some cash.

Kaia shouldered her bag and rushed inside as soon as the security man let her in. Thankfully, she spotted Robin almost immediately and he led her backstage to the area where Taylor's family was going to be watching the show from. She asked Robin to place her backpack somewhere safe and held on to the railing just as the music started playing and she recognised the familiar tune. Fans were screaming all around her and— wow, okay, she hadn't noticed just how many people were there.

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