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okay... okay okay...


i guess you guys seriously deserve a double update


anyway i'm making it all better<3

love you guys<33


Taylor blinked her eyes open when she felt Kaia push her arm away so she could sneak out of bed. It took her a second in her groggy state to notice and when her vision finally cleared, she heard the soft click of the bathroom door closing.

She rubbed the back of her hand over her eyes, turning to lay on her side and accidentally smushing Olivia who let out a small, grumbled meow in her attempt to escape from under her. Taylor chuckled softly, offering the cat a small scratch under her chin.

"Sorry, Dibbles," she murmured in her tired voice.

She could see past the blinds that were left open that it was still quite dark outside and when she checked the digital watch around her wrist, it only read four in the morning, so Taylor turned on her side again to try and get some more sleep, but then the sink turned on in the bathroom and though the sound was muffled behind the closed door, it was annoying enough to force her eyes to stay open. So, she started sitting up just as Kaia opened the bathroom door.

Kaia didn't even seem to notice that Taylor had woken up as she continued walking toward the hallway but as she reached the doorway, Taylor finally spoke up.

"Hey... where are you going?" Her voice got caught in her throat, scratchy and still heavy with sleep. She let out a little cough to soothe her throat but it was still really dry.

"Oh, hey," Kaia responded, her own voice just barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry I woke you up."

"That's okay. It happened when you pulled away. I guess I wasn't sleeping too deeply tonight," Taylor responded, feeling weirdly energised, even though she had only really gotten about five hours of sleep so far.

"Sorry about that," Kaia murmured. "I'm just going to get a drink of water. Go back to sleep, love."

Kaia padded back over to the bed, bent down, and pressed a kiss on Taylor's hair before turning back around to head to the kitchen.

"Can you get me a glass as well, actually?" Taylor asked, watching her girlfriend disappear in the hall.

"Sure," she heard as the pitter-patter of her footsteps going down the stairs started to fade away.

Taylor rolled on her side again, closing her eyes for a moment as she waited and listened for the distinct footfall she was now so attuned to returning, but it never came. The house sat completely still. The only sound she did hear was that of her own breathing, and one of the cats softly purring somewhere in the room.

It didn't take ten minutes to fill two glasses of water from the fridge, and it didn't take fifteen minutes to bring them back upstairs. Taylor, once again, sat back up and this time, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stepped into her slippers. The floors were just too cold for her to walk barefoot.

The house was freezing downstairs and she realised she had left the windows in the large living room downstairs open. She rushed to close them, glad that she had spotted all three cats inside the house on her way down and that they were way too dumb and spoiled to have even thought about wandering outside.

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