Chapter 5 - Same old days

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It has been around twenty minutes since Amy got on the way to go back to her home. She was still walking through the dark forest, always following the direction Ghosty showed her. She was no longer skipping, and this time she focused on the task at hand. All she had to do was follow the same direction, and she should find the usual dirt path.

Amy was going through the forest carefully but was still keeping up a quick pace. It was getting dark and she needed to get home as soon as possible, though she still didn't want to rush it and mess up. The only help she had was knowing the direction from where she came from, but nothing else. Still, it was enough to keep her grounded and positive to keep going.

She now had a goal in her life, and that was to help Ghosty. They needed help, and even if they didn't want it, she would still try her best for them. After all, it wasn't only her that wanted to see them again.

Having someone else besides her own mother who stayed with her made her feel a lot more confident and strong. It gave Amy a whole other reason in her life that she can focus on when things get harder again. And besides, she now had a friend of her own, which made her look forward to the next day.

Just as she was pushing some branches away, she noticed the oh-so-familiar path which made her jump up and squeal in excitement.

She went to stand on the path, but before she continued her way back, she drew an arrow on the ground and placed a nearby stone to mark the direction she came from in case it started raining and washed the sign off.

Without any time to spare, she dashed to the back of the school and around, to finally reach the final line to her house. It was already dark as the sun has hidden from sight, the sky developing darker shades of blue and gray.

Amy got her keys out of her bag and unlocked the front door, walking in and closing it behind her, immediately locking it.

"I'm home!" she said, only being met with silence.

It was the usual. Her mom gets back at around 11 pm and it's only around 9 pm, so it's no surprise.

Amy took off her shoes and walked into her room. It wasn't anything special, it was mostly just a plain, empty room. There was only a closet with a mirror and a dresser that was mainly used for her clothes, but she also hid a lot of other things there as well. It was all really random.

The bed was in the corner of the room accompanied by the drawer right next to it, and in the middle of it, was a gray, fluffy carpet. Then there was also a desk and a window with gray curtains.

On the windowsill was a Peace Lily with stickers that made a smiley face on the pot.

The plant was given to her on her birthday by one of her past friends, and at first, it looked like sticks in the ground. After some time and a lot of attention from Amy, it grew up to be a beautiful species. All it needed, in the end, was a good caretaker. That's also what gave her the idea of working in a flower shop.

She didn't have the time or money to spend on decorating the room, it was already tough as it is. Her room was pretty small too, so decoration wasn't necessary. Amy was a very mature teen, although she might not give that impression. She understood the financial situation pretty quickly and decided to take action immediately, spending more time helping than enjoying her youth.

It might seem like a lot for a teenage girl like her, but she got used to it pretty quickly and took matters into her own hands. Amy enjoyed helping out in the flower shop, the environment there was pretty nice, and her coworkers were kind and helped her a lot when she started working at the shop.

Studying and doing house chores was a whole other story. She didn't particularly like either of them but started to get used to it after a while. Amy didn't really have a choice in studying, but helping out her mom was her priority, and that's what mattered to her.

She threw her backpack on her bed and went to the kitchen. On the way home, she was wondering what to make for dinner tonight and decided on spaghetti. As soon as she came into the kitchen she washed her hands and immediately got to work.

When she was waiting for the pasta, she decided to check her phone to see if she got any texts from her mom, and from what she read, her boss personally asked her to stay longer and help out a new worker there, so she'll be home later than usual.

Amy sighed and put the phone on the table before going back to preparing the meal. After getting it done she put out a portion for herself on a plate and put the rest of the food into the fridge for her mom to heat up when she comes back.

She ate happily in silence at the empty table, glancing at the clock almost every minute. She would usually imagine her parents with her there, having conversations and laughing together, but today she was just too tired to even try to do that, so she anxiously checked the time to keep herself preoccupied.

After finishing up, she washed her dishes and went to take a shower. With wet hair and already in her pajamas she came back into her room. Amy unpacked her backpack and placed everything back, leaving her water bottle and lunch box along with the empty wrapper on her desk.

She prepared her bag for the next day, looked through the notebooks for any homework, and left her English workbook on the desk. After doing so, Amy grabbed the lunch box and the trash, then went back to the kitchen.

She threw out the wrapper and cleaned out her lunch box, then placed it in one of the cabinets. After that, she returned to her room again and started working on her homework. Amy didn't have any tests tomorrow so she wasn't worried and just did her schoolwork.

After finally being done with all her responsibilities, she put the workbook back into her bag and set up her alarm, before turning off the lights and going straight to bed. Darkness immediately overtook her vision as she peacefully dozed off.

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