Ranboo's Sister 2

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"She needs our help," I say gravely.

Ranboo's POV

"Wait... WHAT????? YOU HAVE A SISTER???????????? SINCE WHEN??? AND WHY WAS I NOT AWARE OF THIS???????" Tommy starts yelling.

"Tommy, don't you remember? She's the one person who left into the woods about seven years ago. She looks similar to Collin, except she's all black while Collin is all white," Tubbo says gently.

"Oh her," Tommy replied in a confused tone. No surprise there, it's been just over seven years, so he shouldn't remember her very well. I'm surprised that Tubbo even remembered her, let alone what she looks like.

"Yeah, her. Well, she appears to be hurt badly and needs help. Because I'm me, I'm going to help her and forget the past for a little bit, because it's the right thing to do at the moment. I might regret this later, but if I don't do this she might die." I pause.

"I would appreciate it if you would all be willing to come with me to find her and help her out. Hopefully we can get over the past and she'll come back, but she's stubborn. So I don't expect her to regret her decisions."

"I don't really have anything else that I'm needing to do, so why not?" I smile at Will's reply. Next thing I know, Tubbo and Tommy are yelling at me that they're wanting to go as well.

"Calm down you two!" I exclaim. "If you hurry and grab your armor, weapons, health potions, and some food you can come with us. But you have to be fast. I don't know how long she can last with the fact that she's bleeding. Meet back here in five minutes or less and you won't get left behind.

I don't even get to finish the sentence before Tommy and Tubbo are running off to their houses to grab their supplies. Will and I part ways to quickly grab out things. I run all the way to my base because I'm wanting to save some of my energy for teleporting our small group so we get there faster.

As soon as I get to my house, I rush over to my chests. I grab two totems of undying, and store more in my ender chest for good measure, a few god apples, put on my netherite armor, and grab my netherite axe. I double check and realize that I didn't grab any food. I rush back to my chests and grab a stack of steak. I triple check myself and see that I have everything I think I need.

I sprint to the place where I said to meet up. I'm the first one (no surprise there) and I see Tommy running towards me with Tubbo not too far behind him on my left. On my right I see Wilbur coming out of his house running straight to me.

"You ready?" I ask just to check. I hear a few yes's in reply. I let Skye start flying to where she came from, and we all start following her. After about 10 minutes of traveling, I decide we need to get there faster, so I call Skye back to me and give the signal to teleport to where y/n is. Wilbur, Tubbo, and Tommy rush to grab onto me before we're all teleported. (Skye had a spell cast on her so that she had the teleportation skill by a witch when y/n was very little)


Next thing we know, we're in this dark creepy cave. I see this faint light up ahead on one of the paths in the cave. I feel Will look at me, so I look back and nod at him. 

I start walking towards the light with my axe ready in case there are any mob encounters. As we get closer to the light, I notice it's flickering, signaling that it's a torch and not just some lava lying around randomly in a cave. I reach the light and see a small indent from a creeper explosion a few blocks away from it.

"y/n? I got your message. You needed my help?" I call out, hoping she'll answer. But, as ever, luck hates me and there is no answer to let us know that she was ever here, and if she is that she's living. I was starting to panic when out of nowhere, Tubbo says, "Look at the ground. What is that?" I jump because I had completely forgotten the fact that I'm not alone in the cave, and that there are other people with me. I look around to see if I can figure out what it is that Tubbo's seeing. I don't see anything.

"You sure you're not just seeing things in this horrible lighting Tubbo?"

"I'm positive. Look," Tubbo points out a small trail of something dark on the ground. Blood. It goes from one side of the small crater, to where we were standing, then leads to a cave wall and just stops there. My sister really had been hurt bad.

y/n, please be ok. You're the only true sister I'll ever have. We've had our disagreements, but I won't forgive myself if you just go and die on me, leaving me to despair and grief by myself. Collin's already left us both, and you're the only family I have left who I know is alive.

I realize that I've been panicking again, and Wilbur is waving his hand in front of my face. I snap back to the present.

"Welcome back to the land of the living Ranboo. Because you started panicking, you didn't look at the wall close enough to see that it's actually cobblestone. That probably means that y/n should be behind it."

"Oh, sorry!" I replied guiltily. As I was replying, Tubbo and Tommy started to mine the cobblestone wall. I see a dark figure with a torch just below it's feet. It has to be y/n. If not it's someone who must've killed her and is pretending to be her. 

"y/n" Tubbo says softly.

"Pick her up, she can't just stay there. Bring her over here so we can patch her up" Wilbur says pointing to the torch by the small crater.

"Ok..." Tommy starts to pick her up, but as soon as her back's off the ground, we see this pool of dark red liquid. Tommy stops for a minute, then quickly brings her over to where Wilbur said.

Tommy POV

As I'm looking for the easiest way for me to carry her, I decide that bridal style is going to be the easiest way to carry her without giving her any more injuries. As soon as I get my hand on the other side of her, I notice that the cloth on her back is warm and sticky, but I don't think anything of it.

As I lift her up, her long black hair falls out of her face and I'm blown away. She's beautiful. She has little white freckles all over her cheeks that you would miss if you don't look very close. I can't see her eyes but I remember being told that she has green ones. She has a few battle scars across her face. I like how she doesn't really try to hide it. But then again, she probably wasn't expecting for anyone to see her. Her battle scars really improve her beauty, which I didn't really know was possible. I wonder what it would be like to- I shake my head ever so slightly to clear those thoughts out of my head.

I quickly stop staring at her and rush over the spot at the torchlight. I just sit down and lean on the wall. I watch Ranboo, Tubbo, and Wilbur do their thing because I can't heal anything for the life of me. They turn her over to get a look at her back and I start thinking about how she looked.

She's just so beautiful. How is that even possible? As I'm thinking I remember Ranboo saying something about y/n's powers (as I call them).

That's right!

Second Chapter done! Lets GOOOOO!!!!!! I had to add Ranboo, Tubbo, Tommy, and Wilbur to my computer's dictionary because it kept saying that they were spelled wrong. Jeez computer, I can't even have the freedom of spelling incorrectly! Make sure to hydrate yourselves and eat! You matter!!

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