Side Effects 4

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If she dies, Ranboo will blame himself for her death even though it's not his fault.

Ranboo POV

I reach the boys and they look like they've recovered enough to walk around.

"Where's y/n?" I hear Tubbo ask.

"I had to leave her at Phil's. He wouldn't let me stick around because he needs complete concentration."

"It's that bad?" Tommy asks.

"Yeah, it is. I guess if you want to understand, we could head to my house and talk about it."

"Sure, why not?" Wilbur replies.

"I'm already curious, and it won't stop bugging me until I understand. So I'll go" Tommy says. We all look at Tubbo.

"Tubbo what about you?"

"Well, I've done my research and I think I already know everything that's going on, but sure. I'll come anyway."

"Great. Let's go then."

As soon as we make it to my house, I put away my armor and put down three different chests so they can put their stuff in them for the time being.

"Put your stuff in there, and I'll quickly grab some cookies." They all nod in reply and start to take off their armor.

As I make my way into the kitchen, I see the plate that y/n would always use when we were at my old house 7 years ago. Please y/n I would at least like to make amends with you before you go. I realized that I was taking a little bit, so I just grabbed a plate (that isn't y/n's), and put a bunch of cookies on it, and walked back to the others.

"I know most of you, if not all of you, were confused on why I started panicking even more when Tommy said that she got stabbed by an emerald. So I guess I'll explain that first..."

"It all started back when we were kids. We went mining for our first time, with Collin showing us the ropes, or tools in this case. So, of course this takes place before he left."

"Anyways, because we aren't true ender people, we had a few "side effects" as I'm going to call them. While yes, touching water is painful, we each had a certain ore that when we got hit with it in any way, but for some reason not holding it, we got hurt more severely than we should or would normally,"

Tubbo looked like he knew what was going to happen next in the story. Hopefully he remembers what I told them all a while ago...

"We all figured out our ores at the same time. y/n had found some redstone and thought it would be funny if we both snuck up on Collin and threw it at him. So we did because we didn't know any better. Collin got hit a few times in the arms before he told us to stop."

"Redstone weakened him to the point where he couldn't mine without taking many breaks. That lasted for a whole hour. Well, mines gold. We found that out after going to the nether and throwing some gold at piglins thinking that's how the trading worked. One of the kids decided that it would be fun to throw it back at me. It hit me in the leg, causing me to limp around for the rest of the day."

"Well, Collin got it the easiest, I was in the middle, so y/n got it the worst. We went back to the cave, me limping of course. Collin thought it would be funny if y/n got what happened to him. So he threw a small piece of the closest ore he could find because we hadn't discovered what hers was, but that ore happened to be emerald and it hit y/n in the back of the head."

"All of the sudden, y/n falls to the ground unconscious. She was unconscious for the rest of the day."

"After that incident, we all agreed not to hit each other with the specific ores, or any ores in general just in case, again. So yeah, Collin's ore was redstone, mine's gold, y/n's is emeralds. None of us were ever stabbed with our side effect ores, so this is really serious. I don't know if she's going to be ok or not..." I trail off. But then, I snap back because I remembered something important for them to know.

"I honestly have no idea why she just left us all and never came back. So we're all on the same page there."

"As you all know, I have two powers. Teleporting and breaking blocks while keeping them in their original state at the same time. Collin can only teleport. So, as I'm sure you guys have put together, y/n can do what I do along with something else. The problem is that I don't have the best memory and I can't remember it that well. I've told all of you three before what her power was."

"I don't know if any of you remember though, because that was about two or three years ago." I look at all of them and they all shake their heads. Even Tubbo, who seemed to remember most everything I tell him, was shaking his head.

"I still can't believe that y/n's back in the greater Dream SMP for the first time in seven years. I just hope she doesn't get used..."

Tubbo must've realized that I was starting to panic, so he brought me to the one stone that helped strengthen and calm me. Obsidian. It somewhat worked, but it also made me sad. y/n's was netherrack. y/n... y/n please, please live through this. I'd give anything to turn back time and stop you from leaving in the first place.

---Time Skip - 1 week later---

I've been to Philza's house every day to see if y/n's woken up. Alas, still no sign of her even being alive. Come on y/n! Please wake up. You can't do this to me! Today's no different than the past seven. She's healed a bit, but still hasn't moved. 

I knock on Phil's door, he opens it and shakes his head solemnly. If only I'd paid more attention to her in the past. Then she wouldn't have left. Then we wouldn't be in this situation of waiting and waiting for her to move and show signs of living.

Philza's POV

It's been a week now, and still no movement from y/n. Ranboo knocks on my door, as he's done every day for the past week, and I shake my head solemnly. I'm worried that y/n's dies on us, or is about to. I'm also kind of worried about Ranboo. He doesn't appear to be sleeping very well, and definitely doesn't seem to have great mental health at the moment.

Well what do you expect Phil? The boy's sister contacts him out of nowhere and might be dying right now. He has a right to act like he is.

I need to have dinner, so I quickly cook a few pieces of steak and carrots before I clean up everything. As I'm washing my dishes, I start to think, what if the emerald is still weakening her? It feels like she should be healed enough to move around, but she still hasn't moved from the position I last put her in. Maybe there's a shard stuck inside her cut? Probably not, because I made sure to thoroughly clean it out.

---Small Time Skip---

As I'm lying in my guest bed (because y/n's still in mine), I hear something moving. At first I thought it was my dog, but it couldn't be. He's out with Technoblade. Maybe it's a zombie coming to try and attack me in the middle of the night. I hope it's not a baby zombie, if it is one.. I think to myself.  I wait a minute to see if there's any groaning, rattling of bones, hissing, or teleportation noises. Still nothing. I hear the sound of movement again. Odd. Maybe I should check on y/n...

As I'm walking down my hall, I get closer to my room. At first I hear nothing. Then all of the sudden, I hear y/n crying.

Hi!! Sorry for the late update. I have school during week days, so the updates are most likely going to be a little later on those days. Thank you for reading this! I'm hoping that things are going to start picking up soon, but I don't know yet. Make sure to hydrate yourself and eat! You matter and are special and important!! Next chapter will be out tomorrow!

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