Past 11

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"It started about a year after y/n left..."

y/n's POV

"-after y/n left..." Technoblade started. My mind goes back through it's memories, recalling the story that Technoblade's telling.

"I was out making my way back from visiting Philza, when I saw a dark figure unable to defend itself from a zombie. I see the figure get cornered, and a small amount of blood below, in the snow. That's when I step in." Technoblade continues.

"I kill off the zombie easily, but when I turn around, I see the figure passed out due to loss of blood. I was temped to leave the figure to die, being the 'blood god' and all, but I decided to help out the stranger."

"Thank goodness I did. If I didn't, I don't think I'd be alive today, neither would they." Technoblade finished off a small part of the story.

Technoblade POV

I look around after saying the last part of that 'chapter' in our friendship and everyone is sitting there, looking surprised.

"You would have died if it weren't for y/n?" Tommy asks in a small voice.

"Yeah, many times actually. I'll get to that part in the story later." I say. I look at y/n, and she appears to be out of it. Not sleeping or passed out, but not sick either. I think she's going back to the memory.

"After I got her to my house, I heal her and warm her up. She wakes up almost a day later, screaming. I rush over to her, and she gets terrified."

"She starts speaking things in enderman. She calms down after a minute and starts talking in the language that I'm most familiar with. English of course. I ask if see has a place she's living at, and she just nods. Still fazed."

"After she stays another day, she decides that she wants to go home. I agree that she can go, if I go with her to make sure she's okay. We saddle up after eating some breakfast and packing a few things. On our way there, we encounter a few mobs, but I easily defeat them while she sits there, scared."

"We eventually get to her house, and it isn't more than a day's horse ride from mine, on the right trail. I look up to see that she's living in this tiny cottage. There's only two rooms!" 

"She told me that she's been working on a better house, but she can't get the materials due to the mobs. She could barely hurt a cow for it's meat, so she was a vegetarian but not purposefully. She asks if I could train her during the weekends, and I agree with my own terms. Our agreement was that I would train her and help her get materials, if she protected me while gathering the materials, and a few other trips that didn't involve other people."

"I also had to keep it a secret, because she didn't want anyone to know that she was still nearby. We've been training together since. At least, that was until she got too good, and was able to beat me without even breaking a sweat."

"The time that she saved my life for sure was when we were gathering some materials in the nether. I was breaking the nether debris that was below me, forgetting that we were close to the point of the lava oceans. I broke it and fell. She noticed not even a second later that I had fallen, and jumped down after me."

"We were surrounded by netherrack for miles, so y/n's powers were really strong, and when she was able to grab me, she teleported us back to the portal, millimeters before we hit the lava and burned to death."

I pause and let that sink in, remembering how I was scared of dying, but then feeling relief when y/n teleported us both to the portal.

"Another time she saved me was when we found a bastien. Me being Technoblade, I wanted to loot it, so I found where all of the chests were. I started to dig through them and find what's valuable, useful, trash and whatnot. But as soon as I opened the first one, the piglin brutes were aware of our presence."

"I hear footsteps, and realize that there is a piglin brute standing next to me. I look up, and it's protecting me. I realize then what y/n's third power is because it's y/n. When the first piglin brute finds us, she starts talking to it, it seems but I couldn't understand it very well. It agreed to leave us alone and call off the others."

"That's how y/n and I know each other, though. She probably knows me better than anyone in here except possibly Phil. Even then, possibly. I'm proud to say that I trained her, and that I know her better than anyone else." I finish up.

Everyone is still silent when I finish talking, probably because they learned that I almost died many times without them being aware. I smile and look at y/n, who turns to me and smiles.

"Wait... So y/n's third power is.. shape-shifting?" Tommy asks, really confused.

"Yup," y/n replies.

"Are you wanting to continue talking here? Or do you want to finish talking at a house? Because my house is up for talking in." y/n asked everyone.

"I could do with sitting in an actual chair," Wilbur said.

"You took the words right out of my mouth," Phil said right after Will finished.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to see your house. Just to see how much you've changed," Ranboo said.

"Well, I've already seen it, so it doesn't matter to me." I say.

"I don't really care, I just want everyone too be happy and comfortable," Tubbo said with a soft voice and a smile.

y/n's POV

Since there are a lot of people who want to go to my house, I decide for everyone that we're going to my house.

"Okay, let's go. Everyone, grab onto me or Ranboo. I'll make sure that everyone will get teleported with me before I teleport."

"Oh! And if I do pass out, just leave me on a couch or bed that's in my netherrack room. I'm saying this because there are a lot of you, and I can only do so much with my powers before I use all my energy." I say, warning everyone of what could happen.

When I'm done talking, everyone grabs onto one another, making sure that at least on e of them are grabbing onto me or Ranboo. Ranboo grabs onto me, and I double check everyone. All good.

It takes a little longer than usual to teleport us all. After a few minutes, we finally reach the outside of my house. 

"We're here!" I say, gesturing to my mansion-like house. Or, at least mansion-like compared to the house I was previously staying in. Home home.

"Holy crap! That's not at all what I was expecting!" Tommy yells almost immediately.

My mansion is made from spruce wood, cobblestone, deepslate, granite, and a few other things.

My mansion is made from spruce wood, cobblestone, deepslate, granite, and a few other things

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(Looks like this, but surrounded by trees and mountains)

"It's not what I was planning on, and definitely could be better," I say, a little embarrassed on what it looks like. I might just make a different one. It'll look much better than this crappy one. (It's not actually crappy, just showing how much y/n's skills have improved)

"What are you talking about?! This is AMAZING!!!! Never in a million years would I be able to accomplish anything close to this!" Tommy exclaims.

HI!!! Sorry about the late update, just plan on having an update every day, just sometime in the afternoon. Make sure to hydrate yourself! You matter! Bye!!

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