Dream... 7

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I was about to reply when someone burst through my front door...

Ranboo's POV

I was startled to say the least. I wasn't expecting any visitors, especially since it's been almost an hour since y/n first arrived. I looked for y/n, but couldn't find her. Instead, I saw this y/h/l, y/h/c haired, y/e/c eyed, y/s/c toned girl. Could that be y/n?  I never got the chance to ask, because the next thing I know, I hear a voice that I typically only hear in my head.

"Oh Ranboo" the voice said in a sing-song-like way. Dream...

"Oh, I didn't realize you had visitors this late..." he said with a slight grin that I could see just slightly under his mask. 

"W-W-Are you s-sure they're just a visitor?" I asked hoping that he wouldn't realize that y/n's eyes were fading into the same green that my right one was.

"Watcha talkin' about? Surely it's not y/n. She left you seven years ago because you're a horrible person." I stayed silent. He'd know if I lied right to his face, so the only way I can respond without giving her away is by staying silent.

"Is it y/n?" Again, I'm silent, close to tears.

"Oh, that's even more unexpected. I thought you left." Dream said in a slightly surprised tone.

"I did, except I needed to do something here, not that it was your business anyway." y/n replied in a sassy tone. Well, at least she didn't tell him that she was injured. Welp, I just hope that she didn't screw up something.

"Oh, got a lot of sass I see. That's just dangerous. Well, welcome to the Dream SMP. Or welcome back, in this case."

"Thank you, I guess," is all y/n said in reply.

"I'll be seeing you both tomorrow," Dream said in a more demanding tone, rather than asking.

"Oh, and y/n... Don't tell anyone about this meeting, or else you'll get it. If you want more of an explanation, just ask Ranboo. I'm sure he'll be able to explain." And with that, he just left.

When I next looked at y/n, she was back to her completely black self with white freckles and green eyes.

"So, I guess your third power is like shape-shifting?" I said.

"Yeah. Who was that? And why was he acting all mighty like he was?" y/n immediately asked.

"Okay, that man's Dream. He's essentially the king of the Greater Dream SMP, and is really upset that L'Manburg has independance (ha! independance) from the Greater Dream SMP. We really should go to bed. After we both get some sleep, we can introduce you to my friends, like we were talking about, and catch you up on everything that's happened."

"You can just sleep on the couch, since you are already almost asleep. Goodnight!" And with that, I gave y/n a blanket, and headed off to my bed.

Dream POV

I left Ranboo's house, a little more excited to torture him even more. y/n was even more beautiful than I was expecting though, especially since she's part (or mostly) enderman. She didn't even look anything like Ranboo, now that I think about it. But, I'll put that fact off to the side for now.

Well, I know a new way that I'm going to torture both Ranboo and L'Manburg, while getting a lot more pleasure myself. I would kidnap y/n, and get her to join my side of the war. All Ranboo can do is sit on the side and watch what happens. And if along the way, y/n developed feelings for me, even better. Unlikely, but there's still hope. It's like a two for one deal. (Dream is 19 in this book, most everyone will be around this age)

---Small Time Skip---

It's around 2 am, and I know that Ranboo should be asleep by now. At least I know how to deal with people who can teleport, or else this wouldn't work... I think to myself as I'm teleporting myself into Ranboo's house. Now, where did Ranboo have y/n sleep?

I look around, and I see her lying there on the couch. Except, it doesn't look like the girl I saw earlier, this girl had black skin and hair.

Ranboo really just left her on the couch? Sad... I expected more from him. At least put her in the guest bed.

I walk over to y/n lightly, so that there's no creaking of floorboards. As soon as I reach her, I look and find that picking her up bridal style is going to be the easiest with the position that she's in.

As I lift her up, I see that there are white freckles lightly dusting her cheeks. Wow. She definitely looks like Ranboo's sister now. Somehow, she still looks amazing, even with the enderman mostly taking her over. I start to wonder how she made herself look different. Or, maybe I was just seeing things earlier. Well, I can't worry about that right now, I need to focus on not waking up y/n and getting her to my "house".

I see her shift slightly, so I immediately freeze, hoping not to wake her up. As soon as I'm sure she's still asleep, I teleport to Sapnap's house (because that's where I'm currently staying. I'm not homeless though).

I set her on Sapnap's leather couch, and tie her hands with a rope that has little pieces of emerald in it. As soon as that's done, and I know that she can't escape, I head to my room and lay down.

Is what I'm doing right? Is there a possibility that y/n could like me as well? Did I just ruin that chance?  I think to myself as I'm falling asleep.

---Next Morning---

y/n POV

I feel myself being brought back from my dream slowly. I realize that it's pain that's causing me to wake up, it's something around my wrists. What is that? Why does it hurt so much? I decide to open my eyes to figure out what it is. 

I look up (because you're laying down with your hands tied above your head, to a pillar) and I see that there is a rope with little bits of emeralds in it. Now who would do that? Also, where am I? I think to myself as I'm looking at my surroundings, trying to find something familiar.

So far, there's nothing that I recognize. As I find the stairs, I hear someone coming down the hall, so I quickly change into the favorite style of mine, I do it whenever I'm panicked or feeling like it. y/e/c eyes, y/h/l y/h/c hair, and y/s/c skin.

"Good morning y/n. I see that you're awake," I hear a familiar voice say. Then it comes to me. Dream.

"What do you want?" I ask with an upset tone.

"Looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Dream chuckles.

"I told you that I would see you tomorrow, and look at that, it is! Surprise, surprise," Dream said in a sarcastic voice.

"Well, I'm hoping that I can use you for ransom, or possibly getting the land that is rightfully mine, back. Don't think I can't tell what you're thinking." 

Right, because he can definitely do that. Alright then. Dream, if you can tell what I'm thinking, what's my favorite food?

"Ah, I see you don't fully trust that I can see into your mind. Your favorite food is y/f/f," Dream says, like he's known that for forever.

I just sit there shocked, realizing that escape is going to be really hard, harder than I imagined. It may take some manipulation, which I haven't done in a long time, and shielding of mind. I take note in my head, but don't actually think it.

"Also, y/n. I would recommend not teleporting yourself, because with the emeralds in the rope, you'll have scars forever, and we can't let that happen to you."

Hi! Super Sorry for the really late update, I had it written out on a google doc, but I hadn't put it in Wattpad. Anyways, make sure to hydrate yourselves and eat. You are important and matter. Don't let anyone tell you/make you think otherwise. Thank you for reading this chapter! Until next one!

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