Inside y/n's House 12

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"Never in a million years would I be able to accomplish anything close to this!" Tommy exclaims.

Still y/n's POV

"Well, don't just stand there. Are you wanting a tour, or do you just want to sit down?" I ask, a little tired of standing.

"What do you think woman?" Tommy replied.

"Did you just call me 'woman'?" I ask, curious. He knows my name, but he called me woman. Why?


"Okay, well I guess we're waiting till later to do the tour then," I say with a smug grin. The actual reason why I'm waiting to do the tour later is because I feel most of my energy leave my body from the teleportation.

Tommy stands there shocked at my words.

"WHAT?! ALL BECAUSE I CALLED YOU 'WOMAN'???" Tommy yells, slightly upset that he doesn't get to see the rest of my house yet. Little does everyone know how much more there is to it.

"Yes. That's how much power I hold. Now, follow me," I say, feeling the need to be near netherrack soon. Everyone starts to follow me, not knowing where they were going. All except for Technoblade of course.

We reach my netherrack room, and I sit down on the couch that's on the right side of the room.

"Well, have a seat," I say gesturing to the rest of the couch and the bed across from it. Everyone went and moved to where they wanted to sit. 

I sat at the right armrest of the couch, Techno on the left, Philza to my left, Wilbur on Techno's right. Tubbo sat on (from my view) the left side of the bed, Ranboo to his right, and finally Tommy on the end, to Ranboo's right.

Tubbo's trying to stop Tommy from doing or saying something, but judging from what I've seen of Tommy so far, it won't work.

"Could you do the piglin impression??" Tommy asks, really excited and hopeful that I will. Tubbo just groans, knowing that Tommy was being a little rude. I brush it off.

"Yeah, just give me a minute or two. I need to regain some energy," is what I reply with. I look over at Ranboo to see how he's doing, but he seems lost in thought, so I didn't bother him.

"Is there anything else any of you would like to know?" I might as well ask while I'm regaining my energy.

"Yeah. Are we going to be staying the night, longer, or just not at all?" Wilbur asks.

I think about it for a minute.

"You are all welcome to stay the night or longer if you want. If not, I understand and can teleport you back around dinner time."

"Can we stay? Please Wilbur?" Tubby asked with big puppy eyes.

"That one's not up to me to decide. That's up to Phil."

"Dadza, could we please stay the night? Please??" Tommy asked, turning his head to Phil, making puppy eyes again.

"Fine. One night wouldn't hurt. Anything more than that and you'll return to L'Manburg and find it in chaos." Phil said.

"Okay!! Thank you!!!" Tommy almost shouts with excitement.

"Are you all ready to see me do the piglin impression?" I ask, somewhat quietly once I regained enough energy to do said impression.

Somehow, they all hear me. Tommy starts to nod his head eagerly, Tubbo and Wilbur nod their heads a little, Phil sits there, not really caring if I do it or not, while Ranboo and Techno look at me expectantly.

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