Third Power 5

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Then all of the sudden, I hear y/n crying.

Still Philza's POV

What's going on?

"y/n, everything ok in there?" I don't hear any response, instead the crying seems to have stopped, or she's just muffling the noise.

"Am I okay to come in?" I ask, making sure to be polite. I know that it's probably a shock for her waking up in a room she's never been in before with bandages wrapped around a huge wound on her back. There's still no response. I decide to go in 

The first thing I see is y/n wrapped up in a blanket on the floor, crying. I rush over to her and wrap my arms around her trying to calm her down. 

"It'll be okay. Phil's here. I can help. Would you like to talk to Ranboo? Or maybe go to some netherrack?" All she does is sit there holding her legs closer to her body, chin resting on her knees, crying.

"How about this, I let you get changed into some different clothes. If you need any help just call my name. I'll be just inside the door across the hall from you." She just nods slowly.

"There should be some clothes that Ranboo thought you'd like in the closet. After you get changed, would you like to talk to your brother?" Again, she just nods. So I step out so she can get changed. I go the room across the hall, it's a small little garden I made for myself recently. 

I really need to water these plants, I tell myself. It's been a whole week since I've watered them, and a few look like they're almost dead. Like y/n was... And there I go lost in thought again.

I hear a door open and I'm brought back to the present. I turn to see y/n. She looks completely different. y/n decided on some shorter jeans, tennis shoes, and a y/f/c sweatshirt. (You can change what outfit you're wearing. I just needed to write about the outfit)

But it's not the outfit that makes her look different. Instead of having black skin (The color, not being racist), her skin was y/s/c. Her hair was y/h/l and y/h/c, and her eyes were y/e/c. y/n also didn't have any tears in her eyes, or any hint on her face that she was crying not even less than five minutes ago. She's also just slightly shorter than I remember her being from just a minute ago. I decide to put the fact that she's completely unrecognizable from how she was brought in, aside.

"You ready to go talk to Ranboo?" I ask just making sure she's ready.

"As ready as I'll ever be, especially after what happened the last time I saw him."

"Okay. Let's go find him, wherever he is. Most likely his house." So we head out.


"I'm nervous," y/n says.

"It'll be ok. He's been worried sick about you."

"Really? I thought that he didn't really care about my existence."

"Now why would you think that?" I was honestly confused. Ranboo's such a kind person. How did she come to that conclusion?

"Well... It happened a little while ago, when everyone seemed to be ignoring me. No one batted an eye when I got hurt, I couldn't kill a single think without feeling bad, and I was really weak." When was this? I was here when she ran off. Everyone was really confused and concerned when she decided to just disappear.

We're almost to Ranboo's house, so I decided to quickly pull her aside and talk to her.

"I know that Ranboo wouldn't want me telling you this, but I think you should know. When you left without an explanation, Ranboo hit his lowest point. After a while he thought you were dead and just learned to accept that. As soon as you sent him the parrot, he was really happy to know that you were alive. But, when he learned that you were injured as bad as you were, especially by an emerald, he was really worried."

"He's come to my house every day hoping to know if you were awake and doing okay. He saw me shake my head every time he came to my house, even today. As I would do so, you could see how much more worried and upset he became. He blames himself for you getting hurt. He really cares about you, you just need to see it."

y/n was silent for a minute.

"He really came to see me every day?" She asked quietly, almost in tears.

"Yes, he was also always disappointed when I wouldn't let him see you. If he did see you, he would've broke."

At this point, she was in tears and looked more like how she did when she first arrived. Black skin, white freckles, long black hair, emerald green eyes (ironically). After she calmed down a little bit, I decided to see if I could ask her something.

"Am I okay to ask you something?"

"Well, you just did," she replies giggling slightly.

"Fine, I won't ask you then" I reply, pretending to be rude.

"No. I'm sorry, I just had to." 

"It's okay. But, why does it seem like you change whenever I see you? Earlier you looked like you do now, but just a minute ago, you didn't look even close to being related to any enderman."

"Well, as I'm sure you know, Ranboo got two powers when he was born. Collin got one. So, if we continue going from oldest to youngest that'll mean that I got three. My third power is essentially shape shifting. I can make myself look taller, shorter, uglier, prettier, etc. I didn't really tell anyone other than Ranboo. I can't guarantee that he remembers, and if he does, I don't know if he told anyone."

"Ah, that makes more sense. Do you want to knock, or would you like me to?" I ask in a comforting voice.

"You can, just give me a sec." and she changes her appearance so it doesn't look like she's been crying in the blink of an eye.

"Ok, now you can." I stand there in shock for a second. It's still a little unsettling how she can change her appearance. Even though I know the reason why now. Does she even use energy to change her form? Maybe she does, and she's hiding that too. I guess I'll never know.

I go up and knock on Ranboo's door, because y/n is still a little bit nervous.

"Ranboo, y/n's awake," I say after a few seconds of knocking on his door. As soon as I'm done speaking, I hear Ranboo rush over to the door and it bursts open.

"Where is she? Am I okay to see her now?" Ranboo questions.

"Yes, you can see her now. She's standing right behind me." Ranboo's cheeks immediately turn a lighter shade of pink from embarrassment.

"hi," y/n says in a quiet voice.

"Why don't you two go inside and talk? I'll be at my house. If you two need anything, let me know." And I leave them.

Hello there! Sorry this chapter probably isn't what you were hoping for. I have a better chapter for tomorrow, but I needed to put this out there first. It was all originally one chapter, but it would've been a really long one, and it would be a lot to put into just one. Especially with all the information that's going into it.

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