Talk with Ranboo 6

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And I leave them.

Ranboo's POV

I hear someone knocking on the door, and I'm wondering who it could be. It's nearly 11. Who'd be knocking on my door at this hour? That's when I hear the someone say, "Ranboo, y/n's awake."

As soon as I hear that sentence, I know it's Phil and I bolt to the door. I open it as fast as I can so I can talk to Phil. As soon as it's open, I ask, "Where is she? Am I okay to see her now?"

"Yes, you can see her now. She's right behind me," Phil replies casually. I feel my cheeks heat up just slightly. I'm a little embarrassed to have said those things in front of my sister. I'm her older brother, I'm supposed to be tough, not worrying my butt off when she's been passed out for the past week. Guess I'm not the older brother I thought I'd be.

I'm brought back to the present time with y/n saying, "hi," in a quiet voice.

"Why don't you two go inside and talk? I'll be at my house. If you two need anything, let me know." And then Phil just left us standing there. We stand in silence for a minute or two.

"Do you want to come inside?" I ask, trying to be polite, even though Phil technically already invited her into my house.

"Ok" is all y/n says in reply. I'm really wanting to ask her so many things, but I'm restraining myself so then she doesn't feel overwhelmed. The y/n I used to know got overwhelmed easily, and I don't want to stress her out, especially after she just woke up after a week. Plus, she's back in my life for the first time in 7 years. I don't want to scare her off. 

"So..." y/n prompts, knowing that I have many questions.

"Where did you go? How have you been? What did you do? Why didn't you come back? Why did you leave in the first place? What's your third power? I kinda forgot what it was. Why didn't you contact me sooner? What do you remember about our childhood?" I have so many more questions, but I already asked at least five.

"Okay, I'll answer those in just a sec. and one by one, most likely in the order you asked them. But first, I'd like for you to answer a question of mine."

"Shoot" I say, meaning I'm ready for the question.

"How long was I out?"

"About a week." She just sits there in shock and slight worry.

"y/n?" I ask concerned. She snaps back into the present.

"Wow. I didn't realize that emeralds were that bad for me," y/n said in a quiet voice.

"I don't think anyone did."

"Well, I guess I better answer your questions. Okay. So I went into the woods and traveled for a little bit. I lived in a little cottage at first, back when I was just starting out and my construction skills weren't the best. After a little bit, I decided I should build myself a better house to live in. I built myself an underground base to store all of my valuables, and a small mansion to live in, even though it's only me living there."

"My mansion is a good few hundred blocks from the Greater Dream SMP borders. I've been pretty good, definitely not the y/n you once knew. That's for sure. I got all of my armor up to netherite, gained a lot of extra materials for trading, upgrading, brewing, etc. I didn't come back because I didn't feel like I was wanted or needed at all here. I left because no one really paid attention to me and what I did. I felt insignificant. If I broke a bone, I had to brew the healing potion myself because you were always off doing something else."

"Even when you were home to take care of me, you didn't and just left me independent. I had Technoblade train me because you couldn't. I'll show you my third power when I'm done, so then you'll understand what it is without me having to do a horrible and long explanation. I didn't contact you because you and I seemed to have grown very distant, and I didn't feel like you even wanted me to be around. Let alone be your sister."

"I'm pretty sure I remember most everything from age 5 and up of our childhood. Is that all? And who's been taking care of Skye?"

I sat there in silence quietly taking in everything she just told me, so then I could hopefully have more questions that she'll answer to help me understand.

"Of course that's not all the questions I have. You should remember at least that from our childhood. I never ran out of questions."

"I do, but I don't know what about you has changed and what hasn't." y/n replied.

"That's true. Skye has been taken care of by Phil, just like you have. So you needn't worry about her. She's in great hands. Now, back to questions. Can I introduce you to everyone in L'Manburg and my friends? Are you going to come back and live here? Who are you going to be staying with until you're healed enough to teleport and travel? What do you mean by 'definitely not the y/n you once knew'? That's all of my questions that really matter. I can ask more tomorrow after we both get a night full of good rest."

"I'd agree that I'd like to have a small break from all your questions, even if it is small." She replies, and takes another deep breath so then she can respond to my questions.

"I honestly don't know if I'm ever going to come back. It wasn't ever in my plans, and I don't think that we've really patched up what happened seven years ago. I don't know if we ever will..."

"I don't know who I'm going to be staying with, but I think I'll be staying with you. I don't want to be too much for Phil. Plus, he's been taking care of both me and Skye for the past week. I think he needs a break. I also don't know anyone else here very well. What I mean by I'm 'definitely not the y/n you once knew' is that I've changed a lot over the past seven years."

"I've gotten better at all three of my abilities, I can kill things without mercy, create amazing structures, things like that. I also had Technoblade train me in secret, after I left of course. But, I made him promise not to tell anyone. If you want to understand more, come with me, when I can travel and teleport of course, and visit my house. I think you'll fully understand if you understand the way I live, for the most part." She whispers the last part, probably trying to keep it quieter.

"Now," y/n says after taking a minute of silence. " would you like me to show you what my third power is?"

I was about to reply when someone burst through my front door...

Hihi!! Sorry I couldn't put all of that into my previous chapter. It was just too much to put in there. Also, sorry to leave you on such a big cliff hangar. I just need to ensure that you come back and read my next chapter *giggles evilly*. Anyways, make sure to eat and hydrate yourselves! You matter and are important! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Thank you for reading this chapter. I put a lot of work into it, and it makes me happy to know that others are at least giving it a shot. Bye!

*Also, sorry about the late update. I have a bit of a busy schedule*

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