Kidnapped 9

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And with that, I walk out of Dream's grip and past Phil, out the front door.

---Time Rewind to the Beginning of when Phil left Ranboo---

Tommy's POV

I wake up to the sound of knocking at my front door. I groan and look at my clock It's past 11 pm, who would be wanting to talk to me at this time? The knocking continues, so I decide I better check who it is.

"Coming," I say loud enough for whoever it is to hear. I get out of bed and make sure that I look decent. My hair's a bit of a mess, but I don't really care. As I'm opening the door, I see that it's Phil and Wilbur.

"What is it?" I ask, worried. The last time they were both confronting me at my house in the night, it was about something regarding L'Manburg and the war.

"It's not something regarding L'Manburg. I know that you've been worried about y/n, and I'd like to have Phil say this. The reason being that she was staying at his house, and he was taking care of her." Wilbur began.

"Okay..." I say, slightly worried and confused. Did y/n die?

"No, y/n didn't die. Wilbur, you made it sound like something horrible happened." Phil said as soon as he saw the expression on my face.

"Actually, it's the opposite. y/n woke up about twelve minutes ago. I just left her at Ranboo's house because they need to talk. I know that you want to go visit her right now, but you should probably wait till tomorrow at least. Seeing as of how she won't remember what we did for her, and that she woke up after a week of sleeping. She doesn't know what's going on, and anything about this place." Phil continued.

"Okay. Me, both of you, and Tubbo should all meet up at the van, and then go to Ranboo's tomorrow. That way we can all meet her before she leaves." I say, excited.

"We'll go tell Tubbo then." Wilbur said, then turned around and left. Phil followed his lead and left.

With them both gone, I shut the door and went back to bed. Finally, y/n's awake. Hopefully I'll be able to make a good first impression, I think as I fall asleep, dreaming about what could happen tomorrow.

---Time Skip to the Morning---

I wake up, excited to finally meet y/n. I quickly get out of bed and get ready. I eat some toast and eggs, because it's a fast breakfast, and head to the van. When I get there, I see that Wilbur's already there.

"Good morning," he says.

"Good morning. Excited?" I ask.

"Yup." And we're silent.

We waited about thirty minutes, and then Phil arrives with Tubbo not to far behind him.

"You all ready to meet y/n?" Philza asks as soon as Tubbo arrives. We all nod.

"Remember, don't overwhelm her, she doesn't know anyone but me and Ranboo." That's all Phil said before he left the van. We all followed him.

I'm really excited to see her, and Tubbo notices. We start talking at the back of the group.

"What do you think y/n's third power is going to be?" Tubbo asks.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, it's probably going to be really cool. Do you want to ask Phil if he knows what it is?" I ask in reply.

"Sure!" And with that, we're both running up to Phil, right as Ranboo's house came into view.

"Hey Philza! Do you know what y/n's third power is?" I ask loudly.

"Actually, I do," he responds.

"What is it?" Tubbo asks, equally as loud.

"I don't know if I should tell you, because y/n might want to keep it a secret."

"Tell us!" Tubbo and I both say.

"Not right now."

"Come on! Tell us!" I say louder than before.

"No, Ranboo or y/n will tell you if they feel like you should know." Phil says right as we reach the door. I run up to the door and start knocking, unable to hold in my excitement. 

"Ranboo! You there?" I ask.

No response...

"Ranboo?" Phil said.

Still no answer.

"Ranboo, we're coming in..." Wilbur said while opening the door.

I look around and see Ranboo on the floor crying. Tubbo runs over to him and hugs him.

"What happened?" Tubbo asked quietly.

Whatever it is, it's making Ranboo really upset. We all silently agree that we should take him to the obsidian room that he made.

"Ranboo, we're going to take you to some obsidian, okay?" Philza said in a quiet voice.

And with that, we all walk out off to the room.

A little bit later, he calms down and starts to talk.

"He took her..." is all he said.

"Who took who?" Tubbo said in a soft voice.

"⎅⍀⟒⏃⋔ ⏁⍜⍜☍ ⊬/⋏" He's speaking enderman again.

"What was that? You were speaking enderman," Tubbo said.

"Dream, he took y/n. It has to be him..." And with that being said, he's a mess again. He curls up into a ball and starts crying again. We all went silent with worry. Tubbo goes up to Ranboo and hugs him again, crying.

Ranboo's POV

---When Ranboo woke up---

I woke up to the sunlight early in the morning. I decide that I should probably check on y/n. I go out to my main room and I don't see y/n anywhere

"y/n?" I call out while looking around."

No answer.

"y/n? Are you here?" I call out again.

Still no answer. 

Maybe she left to go home? I doubt that. She can't teleport without help. That's when I get this voice in my head.

I took her. She'll never see you again. You were a horrible brother. She never wants to talk to you again. You couldn't even protect her from anyone kidnapping her. She's lucky that I saved her from you. She doesn't need you in her life.

With those words, I start panicking. Next thing I know, I have Tubbo hugging and asking me something, but I can't hear or understand what he's saying.

They took me to my obsidian room, and I start to calm down.

"He took her..." I say, somewhat explaining what happened.

"Who took who?" Tubbo asks. I guess I forgot to explain who.

"Dream took y/n" I say.

"What was that? You were speaking in enderman," Tubbo said.

Well, crap. That's how much of a mess I am right now. They can't even understand half of what I'm saying. I compose myself a little, making sure they can understand me this time.

"Dream, he took y/n. It has to be him..." After I said that, I curl up into a ball and start crying again. Tubbo comes and hugs me again, probably understanding what I'm feeling.

The voices were right. I couldn't even protect her from getting kidnapped for even six hours.

Sorry! I was having a small writer's block, but found out what I was going to write. Please make sure to hydrate yourselves. You are special and important! Thank you for reading this chapter! I hopefully won't have a late update tomorrow. See you next chapter!

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