Point 14: You're Not Really A Girl...

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I woke up to my phone's ringtone. Or text tone. I don't know. Is there a difference?

I unlocked my phone to reply. The text message read:

Sena-san, we won.

That's Tetsuya for you. Usually, normal people would tell me that they won in caps and add a million exclamation points. But, this is Tetsuya we're talking about.

Can you see him doing that?

No, neither can I.

I typed up a response, saying congrats and stuff before I locked my phone and shoved it in my pocket. I stood up and stretched.

I do not recommend falling asleep on a bench.

It hurts.

I walked back into the gym and went to meet Seirin. If they were dead tired...


What would be the best way to help them cool down...

Well, whatever. I'll just let their coach handle that stuff instead.


We entered the restaurant, all laughing and chatting. I entered last, but it took a while because there were so many people to sit.

Once I entered, however, I saw a glimpse of blonde hair and yellow eyes, and immediately stepped back. I slammed the door shut, but just then a blast of wind and rain hit me in the face.


I looked anywhere except at the two people on my right.


I glared at Kagami. "Shut up." My dyed white hair was still sopping wet and even with the towel wrapped around my shoulders, I still felt soaked to the bone. I shivered while trying to make it seem like I didn't.

I heard Kasamatsu sigh. "Looks like I have no choise."

Then a jacket dropped onto my shoulders (Sorry, guys, but I'm not sure if he had a jacket there or not, so I'm just gonna add this in.)The towel around my shoulders was gently pulled off and someone was drying my hair.

I had to blink a couple times before I realized that Kasamatsu had disappeared. I looked up and saw him above me, drying my hair, his face slightly pink. I glanced down and saw a Kaijo uniform jacket on me.

"Hey, Kasamatsu-senpai," Kise said, a hint of annoyance in his voice. ""Stop that. Senacchi doesn't like that."

Normally, I wouldn't. But this was really sweet. Ignoring Kise, I tried not to blush as I said, "Th-Thank you."

Kasamatsu sat down after mumbling a quiet, embarrassed, "You're welcome."

My hair was less damp.


If I join Kaijo, I'll see him everyday, right? He's like the sweetest guy I've met so far in high school.

Kagami frowned at me. "Um, you—"

I glared at him. "Again, shut up."

You don't meet a person as sweet as that every day.

And then, all of a sudden, I heard a voice saying, "Hey, mister, could we get...a place...for two..."

By this time, me and all of the other basketball players in there had turned to look at him.

The short, black-haired point guard, Kazunari Takao, right? He stood in the doorway next to a tall, green-haired boy.

The Invisible Empress of the Gods (Akashi X OC: Kuroko no Basuke Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now