Point 8: Seeing A Shutoku Game Brings Down Confidence

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"So there you go, everyone. Ashikaga Sena is here to help us with our games!"

Seirin cheered and I groaned internally.

Why me?



I turned around at the sound of that voice. "Tetsuya?"

Kuroko was standing behind me with that usual expressionless face. "Good afternoon, Sena-san. I had no idea you would watch over our games."

I smiled forcefully. "Neither did I." Glancing at the tall red giant appearing behind him, I take a step back. "Who's your new light?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. This is Kagami Taiga, a hothead. He tends to be stupid sometimes," Kuroko added.

"Kuroko! You bas-" Kagami tried to hit him on the head but I lashed forward and grabbed his arm.

"Nuh uh uh," I said, grinning. "Not allowed to hit your teammates in front of me."

Kagami glared at me. But then again, he's always glaring. "I don't like you," he announced. "You're the same as Kuroko. You have absolutely no smell at all."

I frowned. "I don't smell? That's a great thing!" I took a couple of steps back. "You must be really rude. Telling a girl that she's supposed to be smelly."

"What?! No! I didn't mean it like-" he gets cut off.

Hyuuga hit him on the head. "Kagami, you idiot!" he yelled. "As usual, you have no idea how to treat a girl."

I laughed. "Anyway, I gotta go."

Riko frowned. "Why?"

Because I'm in no mood to hang out with other people I don't know.


"Oy, Kuroko," Kagami called.

I looked back. "What is it, Kagami-kun?"

"Your friend came to us on her own. Looks like we didn't have abduct her after all," he said evilly.

"You really are perverted, Kagami-kun," I said.

He hit me on the head. "You idiot. I thought she ran away from us before. Why isn't she running away now?"

I shrugged. "Maybe because she's supposed to be here?"

Kagami sighed. "You're hopeless."

"I'm only saying what I think."


I sighed and groaned. Why me?


"Well, your confidence is definitely building up," I said, watching the game.

"Anything else?" Riko asked.

"No, not really." I sighed and leaned back. "But if you're going to face off two kings and beat them both in a row, then you have to increase your training quite a bit."

She nodded. "I know. Also, I was thinking about taking them to go see a Shutoku game, to make sure they don't get too conceited."

I smiled. "Good thinking. Just hope some of it stays. They're going to need it."

She nodded again. "Okay, that's good. Would you like to come?"

I bit my lip. "Not with you, if that's okay. Seirin is all right and all, but it gets a bit noisy for my taste."

Riko leaned forward and rested her head on her hands. "I know what you mean. And I practically begged you to help us, so you can do whatever you want."

I nodded. "Thanks."



I looked around. "Coach," I called.

"Yeah, what is it, Kuroko-kun?" She answered with a smile.

"Where's Sena-san?"

"Ah, she said she was here, but didn't want to come with us. Apparently, you guys are noisy so she wanted some peace and quiet."

I nodded, pretending to understand.

Was it because she didn't want to see me anymore?

Or was it because she wants to see Midorima-kun alone?


I weaved in and out of the crowd, trying to get a good way to the seats.

I wanted to see this.

I just hope he doesn't see me.

I finally found a seat and sat down, placing my jacket on the seat to my left and my bag on the seat to my right.

Good, now no one will sit next to me.

The game began to start and I leaned forward and watched intensely.

This game would be good, because there's no way he could see me.


Takao want forward with the ball and spun in a circle while passing to Midorima.

He really is good at passing.

Midorima took the shot easily and began to walk to the other side of the court.

Facing my side.

I had leaned forward to see what was happening before, and I could clearly see Shintaron.

And he could clearly see me.

We made eye contact just as the ball fell through the hoop.

He really did see me.


Isn't that the same girl I saw walking away on the day of Kise and Kuroko's practice game?

Same white hair, electric blue eyes...


Electric blue eyes...

"For Cancers, your luck is so so! Today you will meet an old friend!"



Sena-san... she really did want to see Midorima-kun.


Huh? Why is that white haired girl having a staring contest with Midorima?


Hey guys!

Song is Ashita eh Tsurete by Midorima and Takao

Picture is of Shutoku.



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