Point 20: Question After Being Discharged

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I walked out of the hospital, holding onto my bag and looked up at the afternoon sky, shielding my eyes from the sunlight. 

I really hate the sun. 

I mean, I don't mean to be like a vampire, but the sun hurts and gives me a headache when I first step into it, and it's so bright...

And anyway, I just don't like it. 

Don't judge me. 


I turned and smiled. "Akashi Seijuurou. What are you doing out here?" I asked curiously. "It's not like you to pick up girls from the hospital."

He rolled his eyes. "I'm not that type of person, Sena. I'd think at least you would know that."

I pouted. "It sounds like you're insulting me."

"I'm not," the redhead said, smiling. "I'll drive you home. Or to my home."

I stuck my tongue out. "No thanks. I don't like going with strangers to their homes," I said jokingly, but I followed him anyway. 

"Oh, and by the way, everyone is already at my house. They all invited themselves over, so don't be surprised when you see them," Akashi informed. He opened the car door of his limousine for me, and gestured for me to go inside.

I laughed. "Quite the gentleman, aren't you? Looks like chivalry's not done after all." I got inside the car and pulled myself to the far corner of the seats. "How did you know that I was being discharged today? I'm pretty sure I didn't tell anyone," I said, frowning. 

Akashi smirked. "You know me, Sena. I have my ways."

We talked and laughed casually as we drove to Akashi's house. 

I'd missed these types of moments from back when we were in middle school. I'm glad I was able to experience it again.


Akashi opened the door and held his hand out for me to take. "Here."

I rolled my eyes and refused. "I'm good. I can at least step out of a car by myself. I don't need help with that," I said, frowning. 

Akashi smiled. "I see." He stepped aside for me to get out, and walked in front of me as we went towards the front door. 

That pissed me off a little, so I quickened my pace and walked in front of him. I turned my head and stuck my tongue out at him. "I don't like it when people walk in front of me, especially you. So I'll do this...do you mind?" I asked mischievously. 

His eyes widened but then an evil smile spread over his face. "Did you really think I would mind if you walked in front of me?" he asked innocently. "I'm not going to let you." He then went in front of me. 

"Excuse me, it's called ladies' first," I complained, taking my place in front of him again. "So stay behind me."

"No," he said firmly, moving in front of me again. 

"Stay back."

"I'm supposed to be in front."

"Says who?"


"I'm absolute, so I should be first."

"And I'm ultimate, so go away."

This continued till the front entrance. Oh, and by the way, the sidewalk to Akashi's front door was about...twenty meters long? Jesus, that's a super long walk just to get to the door. That's just stupid. 

"Senacchi~!" Kise slammed the door open and came to me with his arms wide open. "I missed you~!"

Reluctantly, I gave him a hug and squeezed him tightly before Akashi pulled him off of me. I gave him a strange look before I turned to greet the others. "Hey, Tetsuya, Daikin, Atsushin, Shintaron. How're you guys doing?"

"That should be what we should be asking, Sena-san," Kuroko said. "How have you been feeling since you collapsed?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine. But why didn't any of you guys visit me after that one time?"

Midorima pushed his glasses up. "It's not like I wasn't going to visit you, I just didn't have the time. But it's not like I wanted to go visit you..."

I held up a hand. "Okay, tsundere. Calm down. I know you wanted to visit me from the start but you were just too shy to come see me yourself."

He blushed. 


"Sena-chin~" Murasakibara gave me a bag of potato chips. "Here, eat and get your health up~"

I took it gratefully and smiled. "Thank you."

Akashi rolled his eyes. "Sena, everyone, go inside. Remember what we talked about?"

I frowned. "What did you talk about?"

"We all have something to ask you, so if you could please go inside," Kuroko said. 

The Invisible Empress of the Gods (Akashi X OC: Kuroko no Basuke Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now