Point 9: Seirin VS. Seiho Part 1

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"You're already fighting against a king?!" I exclaimed. "Already?"

"Well..." Riko scratched her face awkwardly. "We did breeze through the other teams..."

I sighed. "So what do you want me to do?"

"Um, could you help us study Seiho?" she asked.

I frowned. "That weird team with the weird movements and such?"


I rolled my eyes. "Fine."


"I'm gonna go hide again," I whispered.

Kuroko frowned. "Why?"

"The cameras are here," I answered. I ducked behind Kagami. "You're big so you're gonna be my cover."

He rolled his eyes. "There aren't any cameras in the locker room. But okay."

Other than our conversation, the entire team was silent.

I glanced at Riko. "Hey," I said. "I'm gonna go say hi to Seiho."

Riko jerked her head up. "Eh?!"

I grinned and saluted her. "See ya!" I ignored her protests as I walked outside.

I knocked on the locker room for Seiho. "Hello?" I called.

The door opened and the captain stood in front of me. "Can we help you?" he asked.

I smiled innocently. "Actually, I just wanted to say hi. And listen to how you speak."

He frowned. "Huh?"

Kasuga pushed the captain out of the way. "Sena-chan! Why are you here?"

Iwamura looked at him. "You know this girl?"

He nudged him in the arm. "Captain, this is Ashikaga Sena. You know, that Ashikaga Sena."

Iwamura nodded. "Oh. Your childhood friend, right?"

Kasuga sighed. "Yes, but I meant the famous one too!"

"Oh." He looked back at me. "So you're the Empress."

My smile disappeared. "Empress, huh?" I asked. "I haven't heard that in a while."

"So, why are you here?" Kasuga asked again.

"Just to say hi," I answered. "And to hear what you sound like."

He shrugged. "Oh."

A bald kid stuck his head in between the two. "Whatcha talking about?" He asked.

I frowned. "Who's this kid?"

Iwamura hit his head. "Tsugawa. A kid with good defense."

"Huh." If the captain said that this kid was a good defender and the captain was a captain of a defending powerhouse, the kid must be seriously good.

I waved. "Well, that's all I wanted to say. Good luck!"

They closed the door in my face.

How rude.


We walked into the stadium where Seiho was already warming up.

"Okay, everyone, hurry up and warm up!" Riko shouted.

There was a collection of okays and yeses and they all went off to shoot some balls.

I dropped my bag on the bench and sat down. "Riko," I suddenly said.


"You got everything you needed?"

She nodded. "I'm good. We should be okay this game."

"Didn't you lose to these guys last year?" I remembered. "They crushed you, didn't they?"

Riko went silent and I thought, OOPS.

"We're gonna get them back this year," she growled. "We're going to properly pay them back."

I raised an eyebrow. "Good luck with that. Then again," I said as I turned to look at Seiho. "If you play your cards right, then you have a chance of beating them. Just depends on your players."

"We'll win either way," Riko said. "We will win."

I smiled. "You're pretty set on that goal, aren't you?"

I noticed that Kagami and Kuroko were having a staring showdown with Midorima.

Oh great.

I stood up, ready to go break it up if it was necessary but Hyuuga twisted Kagami's neck to look at Seiho.

"Whew," I said aloud.

"What?" Riko asked.

"I hate breaking up fights," I said simply.

I walked over to Kuroko. "Hey," I said.

"Yes, what is it, Sena-san?" Kuroko asked. "Is something wrong?"

I held my breath but then exhaled. "Actually, nothing." I walked away.

I really couldn't talk to him yet.

I sat down back down next to Riko and sighed. "This is the pits."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Don't mind me."

Tsugawa walked up to Kagami. "Oh! I know you!" he turned back to his team. "Hey, this is the guy, right? Seirin is super weak, but they have this one strong guy!"

I took a couple steps away from Riko, who was muttering things.

Tsugawa that idiot...

He's going to die.

Iwamura walked over to them and then hit Tsugawa's head. He had a couple words with the team and then walked back to Seiho. Judging my Hyuuga's face, it wasn't good.

Let the game begin.


Hey guys!

Part 1 is finally out, and that was pretty quick now that I think about it...

Anyway pic is f Seirin and Seiho.

Song is Hyuuga's Clutch Time.



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