Point 16: Hello, Again and WHY HAVE YOU LEFT ME?

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I looked around, trying to spot someone with dark skin and dark hair.

But so far, I was having no luck.

I frowned and pulled out my phone. I texted Aomine, asking where he was before I locked my phone and started to look again.

Almost immediately, I got a response. I unlocked it and checked the text.

Aomine - come by the bsktbl court

I rolled my eyes. I wondered if he knew how to spell basketball. I locked it and then began walking to the court.

And then I got lost.

I groaned and then texted him again.

Sena - I'm lost. Help me out?

"I'm right behind you, Sena."

I tensed. This voice wasn't Aomine's. It was...

"Aren't you going to turn around? It's me. Don't you want to see me and explain to me WHY HAVE YOU LEFT ME?"

"No," I answered. "I never left you." I turned around and stared into red eyes. "You know," I said, smiling. "You're going to scare some little children with those vampire eyes of yours."

Akashi raised an eyebrow. "Are you seriously joking around with me right now?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"Yes, there is. I believe I asked you some questions," Akashi said.

I took a step back. "And I will ask my own now. What happened to that something important I left at Teiko that Aomine had said to give me? And where is Aomine?"

Akashi smirked. "Um, you forgot to talk to me about your leaving?" he asked sarcastically. "And, oh, I don't know, Aomine isn't here?"

"Oh, my gosh. Akashi Seijuro used sarcasm. The world is ending!" I exclaimed sarcastically. "

"Sena." Akashi grabbed my shoulders as I tried to take another step back. "Answer me."

"You set me up. I don't have to answer to anything you say," I retorted bitterly. "Now let go or I'll report you for sexual harassment."

Akashi let go reluctantly, but then he sighed. "Why can you not tell me?" Before I could answer, he grinned. "I know. Why don't we settle this with a basketball game? If I win, then you answer me. If you win, then you can go away right now, and we can pretend this never happened."

"Absolutely not," I said immediately.

"Why not?"

I looked away, not meeting his eyes. "Because I said I don't want to."

"Why not?" he repeated. "Play."


I adjusted the wristbands on my wrists uncomfortably and looked around the court.

How long has it been since I had last stood on a basketball court?

Maybe not that long ago.

But how long has it been since I last PLAYED on a basketball court?

Akashi frowned at me. "Sena, what's wrong? You look a bit pale."

I smiled and chuckled nervously. "I-I'm fine." Then I frowned. "Are you usually this nice to everyone?"

"No, I think it's just you."

For some reason, I blushed at this. "How did I let you talk me into playing a stupid basketball match?" I muttered to myself.

Especially when I can't play anymore.

I rubbed my knees.

"I talked you into it by saying I'll buy you some cheese flan," Akashi said smoothly. "Now, come on, let's play." He dribbled the ball slowly.

I looked at the ground, focusing on the little squares or whatnot of black cement. "Y-You know what," I said, feeling nauseous. "I really can't do this." I slowly sunk to my knees, and held my stomach. "I really can't. I can't play with you."

Akashi rushed over to me, letting the basketball fall and roll away. "Are you alright, Sena?" he asked. "If you want, we could postpone the match."

"N-No," I said. "Can we just redo how we met? I feel sick all of a sudden."

Akashi frowned. "Wait, why? Why do we need to redo how we met?"

"Because I didn't feel nauseous then, stupid."

"That's a weird way not to get sick."

I rolled my eyes. "Just go with it, Akashi Seijuro."

He helped me up slowly. "Then, I'll start," Akashi said. He cleared his throat and said, "Hello, again, Sena, and WHY HAVE YOU LEFT ME?"

Yeah, I'm just not gonna answer.

The Invisible Empress of the Gods (Akashi X OC: Kuroko no Basuke Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now