Point 6: Ashikaga Sena & Yōsen

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"Onee-chan?" Sana poked her head into my room. "Are you okay? You came into the house kinda really fast. I didn't know you could go that fast."

I shifted myself on my bed to look at her. "Sana," I said. "Leave me alone."


"Because I just suffered mental trauma."

"Do you want me to call your therapist?"



"Dad will find out."


"Stop asking why this, why that!" I yelled, throwing a pillow at her. It landed at her feet. "Just leave me alone!"

Sana looked like she was about to cry, but then her face turned back into her normal expression. "Are you having your-"

"No! Now get out!"

She slammed the door.

I groaned and flopped back onto my bed. Why was everyone so fricking annoying?

My phone buzzed with a text and I dug it out of my pocket with another groan.

Sena Ashikaga,

We would like to have a word with you about your basketball career. Would you please join us for an interview at ***********?


I deleted the message and tossed my phone on my desk. What type of person asks for an interview by text? And it was about something that was at least a summer ago!

I sat up. People these days.

I slipped my feet into my shoes and grabbed my jacket and house keys.

"Sana!" I called. "I'm heading out!"

There was silence before she called out to me, "See you later!"

I opened and locked the door and walked down the street. Maybe a walk would cool my mind.

And hopefully take my mind out of the interviewers.

And of the accident.


"Muro-chin," I said, holding a gigantic bag of chocolate Pocky. "Can we get this too?"

Himuro sighed. "Atsushi, my wallet's crying."

"Wallets don't cry, right?"

"That's an expression, Atsushi."

"Hmm. Well, whatever." I tossed the bag onto our cart. The mountain of junk food and candy made my mouth water.

"How about this?" I asked again, holding up a bag of Cheetos.



I tossed it onto our cart and continued skimming the aisles for delicious snacks to eat during practice.


I looked down and there was a girl on her bottom. She was rubbing her head and muttering.

The girl had long pretty light blue white hair and blue eyes.

"Kuro-chin's sister?" I asked aloud.

The girl looked up and scrambled to her feet. "I'm sorry!"

I picked up what she had been holding. "What's this?" I asked, inspecting it.

"Umm, it's a Hi-chew bag?" she sounded unsure and nervous. And scared. Why was she scared?

"Atsushi, let's go," Himuro called as he came back. He saw the girl and stopped dead in his tracks. "Hello?"

"This is Kuro-chin's sister," I said, gesturing to her with the bag of Hi-chews.

Himuro glanced at the girl, who looked mortified. "Atsushi, let's pretend we didn't see her," he suddenly said, grabbing the bag out of my hands and tossing it to th girl. "By the way, she's not Kuroko Tetsuya's sister."

"She isn't?" I asked, confused.

"Kuroko Tetsuya doesn't have a sister, right?" he asked me.

"Oh yea. Hmm. Well, whatever." I turned towards the cart and began to push it away.

If she wasn't Kuro-chin's sister, then there's no point in remembering her.

But why do I feel like I know her eyes?


I breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't recognize me.

But Tatsuya did.

Was that a good thing or not?

I went to the cashier to pay for the Hi-chews and thought about it.

Well, Tatsuya was a good person, so he wouldn't tell.



Here's Yōsens part with Murasakibara's character song!

Dedicated to @YoshidaHikari!



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