Point 15: Tomorrow Turns Into Today Part 1

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So, you guys didn't answer me last time. I need an answer.

Should I change it to Kasamatsu X OC or Akashi X OC?

Please comment!



I walked outside of my mansion, wearing a blue dress with cherry blossoms on it. Casual wear for rich people like me.

I carried Kasamatsu's jacket in a small bag. It had been washed, dried, and ironed.

Like in every anime you see out there.

I first started towards Kise's school, Kaijo. And, okay, I admit, I was a little nervous.

Shut up.

You didn't hear me say that.

And then my phone rang.


I sighed, stopped, and dug my phone out of my purse. I hit the answer button and put it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Ah, Senacchi? Where are you right now?"

I smiled. Kise, huh? "I'm on my way to your school, calm down. I'll be there soon."

"Aren't you taking a limo?"

I laughed. "Me? A limo? Forget it."

"So...you're walking?"


"Do you want me to meet you?" he asked.

I sighed. "No, I'm good. I'll be there soon."

"...If you say so..."

I kept walking.


Soon, Kaijo came into view and I smiled.

Now I can see Kasamatsu!

I walked in towards the gym and waited at the entrance, watching them dribble the ball in a practice game. I soon spotted Kise, with his height and blonde hair, dunking a shot.

I smirked. Now that I think about it, Kise reminds me of Kagami.

Of his shooting skills or whatnot.

When Kise wasn't going in full power.

Some body tapped my shoulder and I turned. I grinned. "Hey, Kasamatsu-senpai!"

Kasamatsu stood there, frowning. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

I pouted. "You're so mean~ I came to return your jacket!" I said, holding up the bag.

His eyes glanced towards the bag and his face turned slightly red. "O-Oh."

I handed it to him. "Here. Thank you!" I said.

What a cute upperclassman.

"Ah! Senacchi!"

I turned back to the Kaijo team. "Hey, Ryotan!" I said, grinning. "How you doing?"

He ran up to me. "How are you doing?" he asked. His yellow eyes glanced behind me and darkened. "Ah, Kasamatsu-senpai. What are you doing?" he asked, his voice getting cold.

Kasamatsu frowned. "I--"

I smacked Kise. "C'mon, Ryotan," I scolded. "Don't talk to your upperclassman like that."

Kise pouted.

I gla ced at my watch. "Oops, look at the time! I gotta go."

Right before I left, I gave Kasamatsu a kiss on the cheek. "Again, thank you."


It's short, and it's a filler, but this is only the first part.

Wait a little!



The Invisible Empress of the Gods (Akashi X OC: Kuroko no Basuke Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now