Point 5: Ashikaga Sena & Continuations with Touou

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What is with this chick? Sure, she's hot and all but she's so cocky.

"Here I go," I announced. I dribbled the ball and faked a right while the ball was going towards the left.

But something weird happened.

A normal chick couldn't have done this.

She spun in the air, catching the ball and shooting it at the hoop on the other side.

I cursed as I realized I was still moving. I couldn't stop myself.

I tripped over my feet and face planted.

She cracked up.

I got up glaring at her.

Who was this girl?


"You always were good at lying, Sena," I said.

I was sure of it.

This girl was Sena.

The way she talked, her form at shooting, her voice.

It was Sena.

There was no mistake.

A flash of horrification lit up in her eyes, but then it disappeared as quickly as it came. "I'm Yuka," Sena said carefully and slowly. "Not Sena."

I laugh. "Sure, you are. And I'm terrible at basketball," I said sarcastically.

Sena pouts and then sighs. "What do you want?"

Satsuki smiles. "I knew it was you, Sena-chan! Your hair is different but you still sound and act the same!"

She cursed under her breath and took a step back. "What do you want?" Sena repeated. "What are you gonna do?"

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Are you going to tell Seijuro?"

I blinked and stared at her for a moment. "Akashi doesn't know you're here?" I asked in disbelief.


This could be a little amusing.

I grinned. "Do you want us to tell Akashi?" I asked.


I frowned, confused, and in that split moment, Sena disappeared.

I looked around wildly. "Where the heck did she go?" I growled in confusion.


We finally found Sena-chan!

I can't wait to tell Tetsu-kun! He'll be so happy.

I turned to Aomine. "Are you going to come back to practice now?" I asked.

He groaned but began to walk out of the court.


I gasped for air as I massaged my legs. I had to use so much strength to get out of there. My legs were killing me.

How did he know so fast?

Were they going to tell on me?


Here is the continuation!


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