Point 4: Ashikaga Sena & Touou

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I sighed. This was too much. How many old friends have I seen in the past couple of days?

This was not good...

If they go and tell Seijuro...

I'm done for.

I'm screwed.

He'll kill me.

I spun on my heels and decided to take the long way home this time.

I had only walked a couple of minutes when I passed a guy, yawning loudly.

Since yawning was contagious, I yawned too. But that wasn't that what ticked me off.

It was the fact that he was Aomine Daiki.

As soon as we passed each other, I whipped around and kicked him in the shin.

"Ow! Holy crap!" he fell to the ground, holding his ankle. "What the hell was that for?"

I stuck my tongue out at him.

Daikin frowned and got to his feet. "You wanna fight?"

"Ha!" I laughed. "But I don't fight girls, so you know what, forget it, it was too much of a bother anyway."

"Hey! I'm not a-" he stopped mid sentence and glared at me. "How did you know that?"

I smirked and I walked away. "Know what?" I asked.

"That's exactly what I was going to say!" and then suddenly he was there right next to me.

Daikin glared at me. "Who are you?" After a pause with me not answering, he groaned and scratched his head. "You know what, never mind. Wait!" he grinned evilly and then turned to me. "How about we play a game of basketball, and if I win, you tell why the heck you did that and who you are? Also, gimme your number and address cause you're smoking hot."

I cleared my throat. "Thanks?" I asked. It wasn't everyday I got to be called smoking.

His scornful expression returned. "I wonder if you'll be able to cure my boredom."


Did this guy just say that he was bored?



I glared at him. "You're on, danged brat. Don't go crying to your mommy afterwards."

A grin spread over his face again. "Perfect."


I was already regretting what I said. Daikin had led me to a basketball court and produced a basketball from his school bag.

I mean, if I played, wouldn't he know my style immediately? And wouldn't he be stronger? So how can I beat him the way I am now?

Daikin dribbled the ball. "You ready?" he asked, leisurely leaning on his right leg, his other hand in his pocket.

I gritted my teeth. "Bring it on."

Oh well. If I fail, I fail. If he finds out, he finds out.

After all, this will be the first time I've played basketball ever since the incident happened.

I crouched down, my left knuckles touching the ground and my right hand on my thigh, my regular starting stance, and held my breath as a flash of recognition appeared in his eyes. But it disappeared right after.

I smirked slightly. This guy better be crying when I'm done with him.

Unless I start to get pains again. Then I'll have to go to the hospital.


"Here I go." Daikin dribbled the ball in front of him, and then shot the ball to the left while leaning to the right.

Just before the ball could curve around me, and I grabbed it mid-air while spinning in a 180 and shot a three-pointer at half court.

Daikin didn't seem to notice the ball was gone, so his hand flashed up behind me and he tripped over his own feet when his hand didn't grab anything.

He face-planted into the ground and jumped back to his feet, smiling evilly. "You're pretty good," Daikin said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Really now?"

I needed to take back some of my sass and not show him my usual moves or else he'll find out.

I walked over to the ball, picked it up and threw it at him. "Round 2?" I asked.

He caught it, the smile still on his face and bounced it. "You up for it?"

I shrugged. "Sure."

We took our stances again, except this time me on offense, and were just about to play when a voice called, "Aomine-kun!"

I allowed a glance to the side where a pink haired girl was waving.

Momoi Satsuki?

She came onto the court with a big smile on her face. "What are you doing?" Satsukin asked.

Daikin gave her an annoyed look. "Satsuki, go away. This kid just kicked me in the shin for no reason and I'm playing to get her number and address!"

Satsukin frowned. "She kicked you and you want her number and address?"

"Yea. So?"

She sighed and smiled apologetically at me. "Sorry about Aomine-kun. He's not exactly normal yet."

I smirked slightly and then smiled back. "It's okay. He just wanted to know who I am."

"I'm Momoi Satsuki, and this big blue idiot is Aomine Daiki." She said. "You are?"

Oh. Gee.

I need to think of a fake name now?

This was just great.

I tried to keep the smile on my face. "Well..."


"Ashikaga Yuka."

"Yuka-chan, right?" she smiled. "You have the same surname as an old friend of mine!"

Daikin was giving me a weird look. "Ashikaga Yuka?" he asked.

"Yea," I said, nodding.

"Do you know Ashikaga Sena?" he asked, his intense blue eyes boring into mine.

I drew in a breath. "Yeah."

"Where is she?"

"I don't know."

"I thought you knew her."

"I do. She's famous."

He groaned in frustration. "You're hopeless."

I rolled my eyes. "People always ask me if I know her just because our names are the same. It's so annoying."

Satsukin patted my shoulder. "There, there."

Okay, this was good. My act was fooling them.

"You've always been good at lying, Sena," Daikin suddenly announced.



Hey! srry I took a while.

Thx for reading!


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