Point 28: Explain

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I headed towards the clothing store, with a hoodie over my head and sunglasses on. I had to get a new disguise and I couldn't risk having the media on me for buying new clothes.

I hate the press.

So annoying.

Like sharks they are.

And ew, I sound like Yoda from Star Wars just now.

I went straight towards the men's section, where the jackets were. I grabbed an Xtra Large black jacket and went towards the women's section for some extra stuff. I pulled a white leather biker jacket off its hanger and grabbed a random pair of jeans that looked like they would fit me. I didn't have to go shoe shopping because I was already wearing my cheapest pair of boots...

Which were probably around...two hundred dollars, maybe?No, wait, never mind. They were about five hundred.

Not that expensive, right?

I went up to the cashier to pay for all of my new clothes after making sure that they all fit, and changed into them afterwards. I then headed out of the clothing store with my old clothes in a bag, and checked my phone to look at a map app.

I had no idea how to get from here to Rakuzan.

I eventually called a taxi because my cellular data was being a complete butt, and I let him do the work for me.

I'm glad there was a taxi.

They're usually never around so I could never call them.

The driver said that it would take about fifteen minutes without traffic, and I checked my watch. 13:18. I had enough time even if there was traffic.

The driver took off and I leaned back in the seat, exhaling deeply.

Maybe I had spoken too hastily.

Should I really have told them that I was going to tell them?

Should I change my mind now?

Should I tell them that I'm not going to tell them anyway?

Even though I was the one who told them to come to Rakuzan?

I opened my eyes and checked my phone for any new notifications and at the same time, the time.

You have five new text messages:

Akashi: Sena, are you here?

Akashi: Murasakibara and Midorima have arrived. Where are you?

Sana: hey onee-chan some guy named akashi left a msg on the machine

Sana: he asked when r u coming, sena

Sana: huehuehue wowowow since when did YOU have bois going after u

I rolled my eyes and answered Sana's message first. no stupid, hes just a friend.

Just a friend?

Was Akashi...just a friend?

I shook my head in denial.

No, he was just a friend. Just a friend. Just like everyone else. No, not that. He was an acquaintance.


I'm in denial.

The driver stopped at the entrance and I handed him a wad of cash, telling him to keep the change. He stared at me with wide eyes, and thus began to hurriedly count the bills.

The Invisible Empress of the Gods (Akashi X OC: Kuroko no Basuke Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now