Point 30: End Part Two

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I woke up to Akashi shaking my shoulder, and I almost unconsciously let a smile spread over my face, but I resisted it at the last moment. "Akashi," I said in a weird, sleepy voice. I frowned, and cleared my throat, repeating his name.

He smiled, but there was the slightest bit of red splashed over his cheeks. "Good morning, Sena, even though it's evening right now."

I sat up straight, looking around for the time. My eyes fixed on a nearby clock and my jaw dropped. "Oh my gosh, I didn't know I slept that long!" I exclaimed, standing up now. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I asked, shoving Akashi's arm.

He frowned at me, rubbing his arm in fake hurt. "I would've, but I've been told not to disturb a girl's sleep. Therefore, I refrained from waking you up until the very last moment."

"Very last moment," I repeated under my breath. I looked around. It looked like there had just been people there, since there were multiple cups of coffee steaming on the table. Akashi wouldn't have been able to drink that much coffee, anyways. "What happened here?" I asked. "Are there supposed to be more people here?"

Akashi reached for me, and I tensed, but he was only reaching for my hand, gently wrapping his slightly larger hand around mine. He held them up and smiled even wider. "Don't worry, I'm not doing anything. I'm just taking you somewhere else in the house where everyone else is."

I raised an eyebrow, but I didn't resist when he started to pull me along. "If I didn't know you like I do, I would've thought that you were taking me someplace very bad," I commented as he led me through multiple rooms.

Akashi glanced over his shoulder to look at me. "Well, then it's a good thing you do know me," he said. "But again, you don't have to worry. I'm not taking you anyplace dangerous."

I smiled.

But then that smile disappeared.

Was he taking me to a basketball court?

Didn't he know that place didn't work for me?

I opened my mouth, about to say something, when Akashi stopped at a pair of double doors. He turned towards me and put a finger to my lips, silencing whatever I was about to say. "Don't say anything," he said. "Just close your eyes and don't peek. It's a surprise."

"Why--" Akashi had covered my mouth this time, and I glared at him. I was glad that it was the nice Akashi, not the scary Akashi with the different colored eyes and sadistic face. This Akashi was nice, and smiled at me nicely, with a gentle look on his face.

"Just keep quiet and close your eyes," he said. "Trust me."

I closed my eyes and shut my mouth, and a moment after, Akashi removed his hand from my mouth. I heard the sound of the doors opening, and Akashi pulled me by the hand towards whatever was out there. I felt the fresh air of the evening night, and I knew that we were now outside. Then I heard something that scared me to death.

The sound of something sizzling.

I grabbed at Akashi's arm in fright, and he clasped his hand over my other in an attempt to calm me down. "Don't worry," he repeated. "You can open your eyes now," he said, tilting my head upwards.

A loud popping or banging sound startled me, and I stiffened, but eventually relaxed when I saw what the sound was

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A loud popping or banging sound startled me, and I stiffened, but eventually relaxed when I saw what the sound was. A smile spread over my face and my eyes widened with delight. "Wow..." I breathed. "I haven't seen fireworks in forever." Then I realized something and frowned. "Akashi Seijuurou, how did you get fireworks this big? Aren't you going to get arrested for this or something?"

He frowned. "Sena, are you thinking of America or something?"

"Huh? I don't think so...." I thought about it and chuckled. "Well, whatever." I turned towards Akashi and hugged me tightly. His stiff body told me he was surprised but as I squeezed tighter, he relaxed and put his arms around me. "Thank you, Seijuurou," I whispered in his ear, my lips touching him. "Thank you for everything you've done for me."

I heard a laugh from behind us, and I craned my head around, not letting go of Akashi.

Aomine and Kise were snickering.

"What?" I asked. "Why are you laughing?"

"We were just thinking that it was about time that you thanked him," Kise said, smiling happily. "I'm glad you're safe, Senacchi."

Aomine scratched his head awkwardly. "Well...yeah. I'm glad too."

Kuroko tapped my shoulder, and Akashi and I released our grip on each other. The realization of what I had just done came to me, and my face heated up immediately.

Oh my gosh.

I just hugged Akashi.

"If you don't eat soon, the food will get cold," Kuroko said, pointing to the table nearby. It was stacked with piles of pizza boxes, bags of chips and other snacks, and two or three bottles of soda. Murasakibara had already dug into the chips, of course, so when I started to laugh and walk over to join him, so did everyone else. Akashi sped up his pace and laced his fingers with mine, and I didn't complain.

And this is how I wanted life to be.

With everyone.

Just having fun with my friends. Just being close to everyone.

That's how life should be. And it didn't matter that Akashi didn't kiss me after the party, even though I was expecting it.

But that's okay. I can always tell him to do it later.

After all, I am an invisible empress, aren't I?

After all, I am an invisible empress, aren't I?

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Shoutout to all those who've kept with me throughout the long process of this book! Thank you guys so much! 😊❤️😘I love you guys!

The Invisible Empress of the Gods (Akashi X OC: Kuroko no Basuke Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now