Chapter One

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Running away from his problems were the only solutions he saw, that's the only thing he was good at. If you asked him, 'What are your talents?' he will look at you and stay silent unable to tell you one. Every night he would stay in deep meditation and think what are his talents, only to find nothing.

Yet he figured out that he is best at running away from his problems, everyday he has to face the harsh comments at school, at house and even at work. His parents didn't love him but his older brother; now married and happy with two kids.

At school he had bullies; who bullied him physically and mentally. What did he do to stop this? Nothing he sat idle and let them do this to him. He was called weak, useless, failure and disappointment. Those words effected him a lot but he had no one to share his problems, not like he wanted to either.

He works a part time job in a cafe as a barista, his co-workers would tell him how slow he is and how weak he is. His co-workers would get tips, so would he but they took it away from him. Those money, he needed them but he didn't stand up for them. 'Maybe I can earn them in another way' he said himself.

But one thing about him that would make people fall in love is how kind and warm hearted he is. Once he saw a poor man shaking in cold during winter, he bought a blanket with his leftover money he needed for his books and gave it to the man. Yet the next day at school he got scolded for not buying book.

What did he do? Stayed silent and worked twice hard to buy his books, he did. His kind heart made him forgive his classmates and his parents, he loved his parents and he accepted his classmates has his friends.

Smile; he would smile in his darkest days and would cry when no one was watching. He kept telling himself that the storms doesn't stay forever, the sun will shine. So he looked to the bright sight. But sometimes it gets unbearable.

So he runs away from home and walk around, and he found a beautiful place. Around 4pm everyday he would go there and spend his time. He would let his mind relax a forget about everything and just focus on the sun that would set and create a beautiful orange color in the sky.

Watching it would made him relax and for a moment he was away from his harsh reality, he was in his own world enjoying the birds chirping and different insects, who would take over them and call. He was all alone, but not anymore.

One day walking towards the flower field, he saw a boy. His back facing him, sitting there and watching the sun set. 'Who was he? And what is he doing here in his place?' he frowned and walked slowly towards the boy who was unaware of his presence.

The latter called for the other, "Excuse me, who are you?" the other male was shocked and jumped in surprise, standing up and turning around. That moment left as if the world has stopped and there was nothing just them.

They looked into each other's eyes and stared there, no one talked only the crows calling over them. The other male coughed and spoke, "I'm Han Jisung, 23 years old, who are you?" "I'm Lee Minho, 17 years old" silence took over them, covering them like a blanket. It was awkward.

"What are you doing here?" Minho asked not liking the others presence, specially he was way older than him. "I could ask you the same thing". Minho rolled his eyes and sat on the ground watching the sunset. "It's not your business."

The older make laughed and sat beside him, "Then why I'm here shouldn't be your business too." The conversation ended there with the two of them sitting in a comfortable silence looking at the oranged sky. When two sparrow came, and started to bicker over a food.

The male named Jisung looked at them and smile, thinking of the conversation he and Minho just had. 'We were like this two birds a while ago' he smiled and glanced at the other male.

His eyes were closed enjoying the wind that blew on his face, his pink lips that were bruised and now took the color of crimson. His sharp nose bridge that almost looked like a Greek nose, and his jaw line were prefect. He sighed and opened his eyes.

Minho with the corner of his eyes saw the older make looking at him, "What are you looking at?" "Just looking at the art infront if me" Minho chuckled and truned to look at the setting sun. "Isn't it beautiful, what the nature can do?" The younger said.

Jisung hummed in response, agreeing to what he said. Both of then sat for a while before Minho stood up, "I should go, it's getting late" "Wait, will you come here again?" Minho slowly nodded before he truned away and left.

The blue haired male smiled to himself, his gaze turned to the two sparrow. One of them flew away leaving the other one behind and Jisung began to think, 'Did the bird say the same thing I said to Minho?'.................


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