Chapter Seven

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The next day when Minho went to work he was met with an angry looking Seungmin. He was the owner of the cafe and it was Minho's first time seeing him like this. The moment Minho entered the cafe, his co-workers started to bow down to him and apologize for their previous action and promised not to do it again.

He was shocked to be honest and looked at Seungmin who was smiling, "They won't bother you" he said and glared at the other workers. Seungmin left the store saying Hyunjin was sick, so Minho made them his special coffee. He worked the day without any stress and with no harsh words.

He even got to know about a new co-worker named Yeonjun and they got along pretty well. He was happy that he at least made new friends beside 3Racha and their friends. Yes Minho has started to stay with the rappers for a while now. It's been 4days, and he didn't want to go home. Not that Jisung allowed.

Jisung was so worried about the younger that he made sure he made his meals and didn't skip any, he also made sure Minho wasn't stressing himself out and dropped him to school and even picked him up.

But what Minho didn't tell Jisung is that his school classmates still bullied him, they still good him bad and called him name. The rapper had done so much for him that he didn't bother to tell him that. What did he not do? Buys him clothes, chocolate and even foods. He takes him out to eat, in expensive restaurant and Minho never thought he would step inside on of them.

He was enjoying his life for once, he wanted to enjoy his time with Jisung as much as possible because he knows one-day everything will come crushing down, like a car crashing into a brick wall.

The sky was painted with orange and Minho smiled, by now he would have been in the field waiting for Jisung to come a meet him. But now he is in the dorm waiting for the tree rappers to come home.

After a while he decided to make some food Incase they were hungry. He knew they were really stressed out about their new album and so on. So he decided to make something simple yet good for health.

It was around 7pm when the boys have returned home and they all looked really exhausted. Minho greeted them with a hi and hello, and hugged Jisung. Of course the rapper hugged back and could hear his hyungs whisper like 'Whipped' or something like that. He didn't care, he loved Minho and would do anything.

"I have made something for all of you, please don't say no and eat it, it will be good for all of you" the youngest among them insteaded. Who could say no to those puppy eyes, so they sat down and ate together. Chan commented that it was indeed the best food he had tasted.

After a little chit chat they decide to watch a movie, they got themselves comfortable in the living room and spread out blankets and pillows. Jisung and Minho were on the couch while the rest two sat on the floor. Between them were foods, chips, biscuits and some soda. Minho enjoyed every moment of it.

He specially enjoyed the rappers warmth and snuggled closer to the other. The taller warpped his arms around the other in a protective manner, holding him like a glass show piece. As if, if he dropped him he would break into a million pieces and get lost.

In between the movie Minho felt really nervous, he wanted to tell this to Jisung but he doesn't have the courage to tell him this. He knew Jisung would overreacte and would make a fuss. "Is everything okay, I can feel that you are tensed" this caused Minho to tense even more.

It caught the attention of the rappers sitting on the floor, the oldest truned the TV off and turned the lights on. "Minho, please tell me what's wrong?" "I-I, ummm, I don't know how to say this, but hyungie, please don't overreacte" the word hyungie made Jisung's heart do things.

The rapper slowly nodded his head, "I think I should go back home now". Silence; it filled the room as Jisung looked at Minho with a serious expression. "Are you crazy? Do you not know what can happen to you if you return home" Jisung tried not to be mad.

"I know, but hyungie, I am a burden and you have to pay extra for everything" "You are not a burden Lee Minho. Please don't go and stay with us, you can't put yourself in danger" the rapper almost cried. But Minho was stubborn and loathed the fact that he was a burden to the rappers.

After 30 minutes of argument, Jisung finally gave up and let Minho go. "But please met me tomorrow in the field at 4pm like we always do okay" Minho nodded his head and turned away to leave. Jisung watched as Minho go, but suddenly the younger stopped. He turned around and ran to Jisung.

The rapper already had his hand extended, he was expecting a hug but got something more instead. Minho had kissed him, the taller was shocked but nevertheless returned the kiss. It was slow, sweet and passionate. After a while they pulled away.

"I love you Jisung, I really do. Please wait for me no matter what happens okay. I promise I will come back to you, wait for me" said the younger, "What do you mean? Minho what's going on?" The rapper asked clueless.

"There is no time to explain, but please just wait for me okay Jisung" "I love you Minho, but please don't leave me like this, what's wrong" Minho pecked Jisung's lips once again.

"Promise me that you will wait for me under the orange sky" ................


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