Chapter Six

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Minho was welcomed to 3Racha dorm, SpearB or Changbin opened the door with a smile and welcomed Minho. By now the younger male made new friends, Felix Changbin's boyfriend. Jeongin; Chan's boyfriend. Surprisingly Hyunjin the cousin of Jisung.

They all were so friendly and Minho and Felix clicked with each other so well, "So hyung, do you like dancing, because I do" "I'm not sure, but I think I can dance" Minho said shyly looking down. Him and Felix when cooking as Jeongin forgot the recipe his mother had taught him.

"How can I forget that, ughh" "It's okay love, you can always try again" Minho could hear the couples talk from the living room. He wished he had someone who would love him just like that. Felix was chopping the veggies while Seungmin just watched.

Seungmin wanted to learn so that he can cook something for Hyunjin one, it's always Hyunjin who had been cooking. That's was also the reason why he had a cafe. "Felix be careful you will cut your fingers" Changbin warned, he was worried. Minho looked at Felix and saw he was struggling a bit.

"No not like this, hold it like this, place your hand like this and done, it's much more safe and easier" he felt proud of himself, he was able to teach someone something. The dinner was ready and Minho did most if the work. He was expert in kitchen work, he did it since he was 8 years old.

The food was served in the table and Minho helped everyone to get their food on plate. "Well it's like a rule in our group that we start eating after the youngest takes a bit, Jeongin please start" Chan said with a huge smile. Soon all of them devoured their food, they were all hungry.

"Woah hyung, it's so good" Jeongin and Seungmin commented as they took more. Minho smile knowing that they really liked what he cooked. "Min, you said you don't have an talents, looks like you found it, cooking!" Jisung said making Minho blush.

Everyone enjoyed and after dinner they talked and hot to know each other a bit. Minho was happy he made new friends, Jisung was happy that Minho was happy now. Soon Felix had to leave so Changbin dropped him, same with Jeongin. Seungmin and Hyunjin left leaving Jisung and Minho.

"Change into something comfortable, this is my closet choose anything, I will be back" the older left the room and Minho opened the closet to find so many outfit. Black was more in number, but there was also light colour like mint, link, yellow etc.

He loved mint so he choose the mint hoodie, he made sure he didn't drop the other clothes by mistake, that would be really embarrassing. He took of his clothes, and looked at himself in the mirror. Scars were every where in his body, his back was covered in dried blood. There was no empty place in his body that had no scars.

Suddenly the door opened revealing Jisung, as soon as he saw Minho his eyes darkened. He slowly approached the other male, Minho was trying to put the hoodie on when Jisung took a hold of it and pinned the younger to the wall.

"For how long has this been going?" He asked with his deep voice, it was way deeper than what Minho had actually heard. He send shivers down his spine. "For how long? I've asked you something Minho" "Since I was 7 years old" he managed to say.

Jisung looked down at Minho and his scars, he left to get the first aid kit and made Minho sit on the bed, he treated the wound. "I'm sorry you have to see that" "Don't say sorry, and it's not okay, your whole body is bruised, I'm worried over you" Jisung said as he treated the last wound.

Minho felt a pair of arm around his torso and a head resting on his shoulders, "Please take are of yourself, it's not healthy" Minho hummed in response. His hands slowly made its way to Jisung's hair patting it slowly. They stayed like this for a few minutes before Jisung handed Minho his hoodie.

After that they were ready for bed, "Goodnight min, sleep well" Minho was already asleep in the rappers arms, Jisung kissed his forehead and laid down. The both slept well that night.............


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