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delilah yawned, her bag clutched in her hand as she slammed it down on the ground in front of the picnic table, she reached over and placed a kiss on ambers cheek before sitting in between her legs, the wind blowing in her hair.

"that was sam." wes mumbled, sliding his phone back into his pocket as amber immediately looked over at wes, eyeing him "she's coming?" wes looked back at her "well yeah. they are siblings."

ambers fingers traced at delilah's back as she sat with her eyes closed "watch things get worse." that's when chad and liv were now in view. "it's the smartest option knowing that there's a killer on the loose. you know exactly who i am.." he continued to go on and on but delilah payed no attention.

amber made a fake gagging noise as she laughed "is this because you two aren't having sex yet?" delilah fought to not let out a laugh as she sat up, chad pointed at her "you actually make a very good point."

"i think i'm gonna. go visit tara." delilah picked up her bag as she stood up, looking over at amber "i'll meet you guys there okay?" she gave everyone a polite smile before leaving.

"she's kinda acting weird." wes' eyes followed delilah as she walked to her car, amber elbowed the boy in the side "hey. never say that again. besides i don't think she has the guts to kill anyone."

"well she is the sister of a serial killer." everyone looked towards wes as he shrugged, maybe he was right. possibly. "hey just a thought. maybe she's getting revenge. maybe she's trying to drag sidney back to woodsboro."

delilah shot up from her seat once she saw sam enter the room, a smile creeped up on her face. she looked at all of the teenagers before squatting down next to tara's bed. "how are you feeling?" delilah looked over at amber before turning her attention back to sam.

"you came." tara said to her sister, a small smile reaching her face "of course i came. this is my boyfriend richie." richie leaned down towards tara "it is so nice to meet you. i'm so sorry about what happened to you." delilah stood with her hands behind her back as she watched sam go around and give hugs.

she just smiled when she reached delilah, embracing her. "hi sam." she mumbled to her as she stepped back to where she was next to richie "these are the twins, chad and mindy. and that's wes. i used to babysit them all."

"which is always how i like being introduced." wes said making everyone laugh a tiny bit, that's when sam reached amber and delilah. "and amber. delilah. hey." delilah sent her a polite smile while amber did the same thing it was just a bit... sarcastic. "hey. nice to see you."

richie looked over at amber as he began to stutter "uh.. hi.. hi im richie." again amber sent him a sarcastic smile. "hi." the group of teens stood there as the siblings engaged in conversation. "hey, where's mom?"

"she said she was stuck at a conference in london. she called me earlier." delilah could tell that amber was a bit annoyed, lately, she's been a bit off "yeah for a whole ten minutes." ouch. who does that?

amber turned around to her group of friends "guys, tara is really tired i think we should give her some space." delilah nodded and so did the others, everyone headed to the doors but sam was stopped by her sister "not you sam. i want you to stay."

"if you want i could sleep here tonight." "i'd like that." amber stayed by tara's side "you have your extra inhaler?" tara just nodded "i'll be fine." amber nodded before shooting sam a glare, walking over to the door where delilah was waiting "bye tara." delilah sent her a smile, before shutting the door behind her.

the 6 friends decided to go play some pool, drink.. or at least chill for a couple of hours. everyone was exhausted. "so what's, this sister like." chad smiled a little "oh sam? she was so cool."

"you only say that because she let you wear pokémon onesies to bed for a year." "that. that is a true statement." delilah smiled a bit, as chad pointed over at her.

"oh trust me, sam is not cool." amber took the flask full of alcohol off of the table before pouring it into chad's cup. "her dad left everyone right? walks right out when tara's 8, sam started acting out, getting in trouble with the cops. and then. on sam's 18th birthday, she leaves. ghosts them all. maybe sam's changed. but i just don't want to see tara hurt again."

everyone had stayed quiet while amber explained herself. now delilah. she was the very extremely, easily jealous, over protective girlfriend. she got where amber was coming from but those words hurt her just a tiny bit. so she just sat in the back, sulking.

"so you're protecting tara from her own sister?" amber turned towards wes, a slight smirk appearing on her face "well, someone has to."

it was visible to everyone that wes liked tara and.. who knew what was going on between amber and tara but delilah didn't like it. "okay so... no guys are good enough for her and now her family is too?" as mindy started to hum both amber and wes looked over at her "motive! if i can't have you; no one can."

now mindy. hates seeing amber and delilah together because mindy likes delilah. wes laughed nervously like he was stupid, but everyone knows he likes tara "we all know you have a crush on tara. wes then scoffed "okay cmon mindy."

"we allllll are suspects." delilah looked around at her friend group, who could the killer possibly be? chad raised up his glass as mindy looked over at liv "except for maybe liv." liv looked at her in awe "thank you." "you're way too boring to be a psycho."

"hey liv. you want a real drink? you shouldn't be sitting at this kids table." vince. he was the creep that has been stalking liv recently "dude. you're a real fucking creep you know that?" delilah said as she stood up from her seat.

chad, being himself, walked over to the guy "listen, uglier michael myers, it was a summer fling it meant nothing." vince chuckled a tiny bit as she watched her friend, something was going to happen and she knew it "i'm sorry son. was i talking to you?"

"i don't give a fuck who you're talking to." vince turned back to liv "hey liv let's go." liv pushed vince's hand away "don't you fucking talk to her." delilah looked down at vince's hand. he had a pocket knife. "hey!" the bartender yelled at the group of kids, and vince. "get out of here or i'm calling the police. all of you!"

"i'll see you later sweetheart." vince left, chad was still arguing "man fuck you." delilah groaned in annoyance putting her glass down on the bar "man.. did you see that shit?" and with that.

they left.

who knew how bad things were gonna get here in Woodsboro.

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