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"someone has to save the franchise! there hasn't been a good stab movie since the first one." delilah let go of sidney's hair, kicking her against the counter of the kitchen. amber jumped up and down, grabbing the knife off of the kitchen counter.

"hey uh.. delilah, you wanna go get the uh very ex mrs. riley?" delilah smiled over at him "yeah i do." she hurried out of the kitchen and to the front door, gale was still laying on her side. "get the fuck up, bitch." she grabbed ahold of gale, pushing her inside the house. and once they got into the kitchen she sat her down into a chair "sit the fuck down!"

delilah walked over to amber who was now in front of sidney, knife in her hand. "eek eek." amber pretended to stab her as delilah stood by "you did all this? just to make me the hero of your fucked up movie?"

"sweetie, you're not the hero. you're the villain. the daughter of billy loomis who sees fucked up visions of her dead dad. sidney prescott killed your father, and delilah's brother." delilah chuckled a little as she looked over at sidney, she tried to keep her cool. "you... did all of this, just to get her back to woodsboro."

"you know what the biggest problem with the stab movies is." amber started, her knife in front of sidney's face as delilah stepped back, she was starting to feel some type of guilt "there's no michael myers, no jason voorhees, no bad guy to keep coming back. but the daughter of the original mastermind." amber stopped speaking to let out a laugh, looking back at delilah "now that's a fucking villian."

"how did you know?" delilah snickered a little bit "what? that he was your father?" delilah looked over at amber as she laughed "i mean, it's a small town and your moms a drunk!" delilah walked towards amber, taking the knife out of her hand, sliding it across sidney's face.

"i've been obsessed ever since my parents bought this house. we realized pretty quickly we had similar ideas." delilah looked over at amber who was smiling at her "awh baby." she mumbled to delilah, who chewed on her lip and turned towards sidney. "i had a different kind of motive though. get you back here so i can gut you up! you killed my brother you bitch." delilah switched the blade of the knife to where it was now on sidney's neck, just one move and sidney could be dead. and that's what delilah wanted.

"wasn't hard for me to find you in Modesto. wasn't that hard for me to fuck you either. i guess being a sexually available women gets the best of you, makes you wanna have sex with a psycho."

"fuck you!" sam choked out. "well now you're just quoting the original." delilah giggled slightly at richies words "wouldn't have just worked with you sam, see we had to bring the legacy characters back. make it matter. can't have a have a bonafide halloween without jamie lee!" amber smiled, nodding as richie agreed with her "dewey had to die to make it real. to show that this wasn't some bullshit, cash in, run of the mil sequel.

"because our movie.. has fucking stakes!" amber yelled as delilah kept the knife on sidney's throat, who kept glancing over at something "cause anyone can die in a requel." richie nodded as delilah drove the knife into sidney's stomach before she could grab what she had been glancing at the past few minutes.

"no!" "sid no!"

"shouldn't have fucking moved you bitch!" delilah screamed in her ear, "goddamn it. hey, woah woah no! sit the fuck down." richie said as sam had tried to approach sidney, richie sighed as he leaned down towards sidney. "i'm so.. sorry sid. we can't let you live either. i mean, living this many times." delilah snatched the gun from richie, pointing it at sidney's head "hell yeah! i wanna do it!"

"this time, the fans are gonna be the ones that win."

"that about cover it?" delilah asked amber who looked over at her, a smile on her face. "nailed it baby." she then stood up, richie did as well. delilah was still next to sidney, the gun pointed towards her head "go get tara. we gotta start staging the bodies!"

delilah's breath became heavy as she watched sidney suffer like her brother once did "i'm finally getting what i want. can you believe that richie? i mean, i have always dreamed of this. getting back at you, for killing my fucking brother! the only person i had left! if it wasn't for your fucked up boyfriend, billy loomis, he would still be here." delilah scoffed, her grip getting tighter on the gun as she held it to her head.

"you were so perfect. so incredibly perfect sid, but maybe the rumors were true, you were a slut just like your mother. you had sex with a complete psychopath. god! you were so stupid. how could you not notice? every killer has a motive. and now.. it's time you die. it's time you suffer like my brother did."

delilah yanked her by her hair again as richie watched the scene, saying nothing. his eyes were glued on delilah "time i kill you, like you did my brother!" delilah pushed sidney's hair out of her face, sticking out her bottom lip "poor sid. what's the matter?"

"what's your motive?"

"i thought you would've known already."

sidney just shook her head "it's revenge."

that's when everyone heard the door slam shut, delilah turned her attention towards the door "who's there? who the fuck is there?" she yelled at whoever had just entered the house.

he had been wearing the same sweater that night but the blood stains had been removed from washing it, same pants, shoes everything. the voice that spoke next left delilah speechless.

"surprise, sidney."

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