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delilah followed amber and tara into her room, amber looked around on her desk, letting out a sigh. "i don't think i have it. is there a possibility that you left it anywhere else?" tara quickly shook her head, swallowing the lump in her throat. "probably, i'm sorry for wasting your time."

amber shook her head, smiling at the girl. "you didn't. me and delilah will be right behind you, we just have to.. finish something." amber looked over at delilah, a smirk had appeared on her face as she just exited the room, the sound of her crutches had gone faint after a few seconds. "so what exactly did we need to finish?"

"nothing. just wanted alone time with you." delilah raised her eyebrows. "oh really." she just giggled, shaking her head at the female "i'm gonna go get some beer. you follow tara. i'll meet you guys in a few minutes." delilah reached over, placing a kiss on the females cheek before turning on her heels.

once she got to living room, she saw mindy on the couch watching the stab movie "mindy? are you watching stab?" she asked sarcastically, mindy shot her a smile as she tapped the seat next to her. delilah made herself comfortable on the couch. "yes. it comforts me."

that made delilah laugh as she heard the refrigerator door open, it was richie looking for more beer which happened to be in the basement. mindy was munching on a bag of chips before richie made a conversation with them "hi." both mindy and delilah rolled their eyes "is there any beer? there is none in the fridge."

"yes, richie. there is beer in the basement. that door right there. basement." mindy told him, turning back to her movie. delilah watched the two. "do you wanna uh.. come with me?" richie laughed to himself, mindy just scoffed a little "no. but you were right to ask."

"okay uhm. i'll be right back." richie had sarcastically laughed as soon as he said that, they shared a laugh before richie made his way down in the basement.

"well he's dead." delilah looked over at mindy and smiled but jumped as soon as liv plopped herself down onto the couch "what the fuck liv!"

"great! now i can't have sex and i can't get a ride home. this night can't get any shittier." mindy sat up, sharing a look with delilah as they both sat up, staring at her "liv.. where's my brother?" liv sighed before looking over at mindy. "i don't know mindy, probably accusing other people of being the killer."

"he actually went looking for you."

"i didn't see him." liv glared at the both of them, mindy and delilah both gave the girl a suspicious glare as she sat back "why are you guys looking at me like that?"

"nothing. just revising my suspect list." liv scoffed before standing up "fuck this." and just when the two got comfortable again, liv stopped in her tracks as she turned to them "are you afraid of me mindy?" mindy chuckled a little as delilah looked back and forth at them. "you think i did something to ur brother? huh? you think i'm gonna cut you up?"

mindy stared at her like she was crazy and so did delilah "a little bit now." she moved to the side, delilah did as well. "i thought you said i was too boring to be a killer." delilah shrugged "i mean, well you kinda are." liv shot her a glare causing delilah to scoot over some more, her hands raised up defensively.

"maybe that's the twisttttt. what do you think huh? you're the expert. you know what eventually happens to the expert."


liv put her thumb up to her throat, making a slit throat action before walking away. "god, what a looney tune." liv chuckled as she leaned down to mindy's ear "enjoy your stupid movie." she snatched the bag of chips out of her hand before walking away. "fucking. pyscho." delilah snickered a little as she rested her feet on the coffee table, watching the movie.

all she could think about was getting revenge on sidney, sidney prescott. the part came where randy was sitting on the couch, watching a movie. he was telling people to get out. mindy just laughed as delilah stayed serious, her brother was about to come out of the shadows, attempting to murder randy "cmon dude, look behind you!"

mindy kept bickering at the tv until she turned around, seeing a tall figure hover above her. it was ghostface. "oh shit. delilah." mindy reached out to grab her hand, pulling her with her. but that wasn't enough time. ghostface had already stabbed her, making her yell. "holy fucking shit!" delilah yelled, pushing the figure onto the couch, the figure then reached out their, kicking her in the stomach.

delilah sat on the couch as she watched the figure try to kill mindy but a lamp was launched at the person, it was sam. the figure turned around before storming off. "hey hey mindy!" delilah squatted to her level, pushing her hand on the females wound "that's a lot of blood delilah.."

"mindy no. mindy stay awake." the girl had lost consciousness. that's when delilah heard a familiar scream, speedwalking into the living room "what did you do to her!" "oh my god mindy!"

"i didn't i.." delilah stood up, amber looked up at her girlfriend. her hands now bloody from trying to stop her from bleeding "it was the killer babe please!" delilah's breath had gotten heavy as she stared at her girlfriend. glass hit the floor, everyone turned their heads "jesus! what the fuck happened?"

"richie where the fuck were you?"

"i was in the basement. to to.. get some beer."

amber raised her eyebrows, her hand resting on tara's shoulder "you went to the basement alone."

"i asked her to come with me she said no!"

another thud was heard, it was liv. blood stained her hands as well "stay the fuck back!" amber told her as everyone could tell she was crying "jesus christ."

"i was with tara but the rest of you were wandering around! one of you is the fucking killer!"

liv swallowed her tears as she looked at the girl who was accusing everyone of being ghostface "fuck you amber. fuck you."

"why is there blood on your hands?" sam asked her, liv paused as she looked down at her hands, shaking her head. she denied being ghostface "i found chad.. i found chad.. he's outside." delilah glared at her and so did the rest of the people in the room. "chad?"

"you're fucking lying."

"you're the killer."

amber sighed as liv continued to bicker "no i'm not the killer i found chad. fuck!" "liv. liv! just stop!" liv looked over at the girl with anger written all over her face.

"fuck you amber! i am not the fucking killer!" she yelled. ambers face had no expression at all, she reached to grab something out of her back pocket "i know." a gun was now visible as she shot liv right in the middle of her head, the perfect shot. everyone around her gasped as she turned to face delilah, richie and sam.

"welcome to act three."

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