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after getting back from killing wes and sheriff judy, delilah felt pretty good. she took a hot shower, she had to act like she didn't feel guilt. she didn't care.

but she was doing this. for stu. she wiped off the fog from her bathroom mirror, the same reflection staring back at her.

"so.. when's the big reveal?" the voice rang in delilah's ears. it was stu's. that voice had been haunting her "tomorrow. something like that. when we think it's right." his creepy laugh had sent shivers down her spine as she splashed her face with water.

"so. when are you gonna get rid of that bitch sidney." delilah paused, frozen in place. "as soon as i possibly can. it's what you would've wanted right?"

"it's what richie wants. amber wants. i want, billy wants. it's what the fans want delilah. can't have a shitty stab 9 right?"

delilah laughed a little, grabbing her medication. she downed it with some water. now came the next part of her plan. tara had texted her to stay with her for the night since sam was out.. doing something. delilah wasn't completely sure but that gave amber time to do what she needs.

once she got fully dressed, ready to go. she was out the door and on her way to stay with tara. once she got to the hospital, she entered the private floor that tara was on by elevator. delilah knocked on the door, peeking through.

"hi." tara looked up at her, dark circles under her eye. delilah just smiled, setting her bag down next to her hospital bed, sitting in the chair next to her. "hi. how are you doing today?" delilah pouted a little bit as she looked at the female.

she just shrugged which made delilah laugh. "cmon nowww. is your leg feeling any better? nothing?" delilah watched as tara shook her head "still feel like shit?" tara finally nodded.

the two of them sat there, watching the tiny television screen for over an hour before both females heard someone entering the floor "huh. that's weird, sam said she wasn't gonn be here for another hour."

"hello?" tara called out, waiting for a response. maybe it was the police officer. or maybe even sam who had just come a bit early "hello?" she called out again, delilah looked over at her in worry even though she knew what was going on. "fuck this." delilah looked down at her hand. she was removing IV's and stuff, delilah was gonna stop her but she had them all out already.

"here i'll help you." delilah grabbed ahold of the smaller girls wrist, helping her into the wheelchair, carefully moving her leg. while in the process, the lights went out. delilah held onto the handles of the wheelchair and rolled her out in but the both of them jumped when her phone started ringing.

"it's probably sam." delilah mumbled to her before rolling her out to the desk in front, there sat a dead police officer. "jesus fucking christ." tara went to check his belt for a weapon but one of the doors opened again so delilah quickly rolled her back to her room, shutting the door and leaving it open just a crack.

tara reached for the phone. doors kept opening and closing. who knew who was there? tara let out a scream as she hit richie in the head with the phone "richie?" she cried out, richie held his head in pain as he looked at the both girls. "sam told me you were in trouble so i thought i'd check. did you hit me with the phone?" the tall figure came from out behind him.

"look out!" tara yelled, ghostface raised their knife up and slashed richie in his arm, he held it as the figure walked up to delilah, delilah stumbled back, kicking the person in the stomach "leave me alone!" she yelled at the person but it was too late, the person grabbed her by her hair and slammed her against the door, making her fall to the floor. not pass out just fall. close to it though.

as richie checked on delilah, tara rolled herself out of her room, in tears as ghostface followed behind her. that's when the phone rang, ghostface picked it up, pressing a button on the costume before answering.

"richie! are you at the hospital?"

"hello, samantha."


"richie can't come to the phone, i don't think delilah can either. they're both finding out what happens to people who stick their noses in business that doesn't concern them."

"please! don't hurt him."

"choose. i'll only kill one."

"what? tara!"

"who do you want to hear die?"

"please! i'm begging you, don't hurt them."

"really? you can't save your own sister? all you have to do is say. kill richie.

that's when ghostface pushed tara out of her wheelchair.

"times running out. tick tock tick tock tick tock. maybe you're too weak for this franchise."

"well maybe i'm just stalling for time asshole."

sam walked in with deputy dewey, dewey shot at the figure but missed "i'll go get richie and delilah!" sam called after tara, helping her up as dewey helped richie get delilah up.

"get in the elev-" dewey couldn't even finish his sentence before he was slammed into the wall by the tall, ghostface figure. delilah looked back at the scene as richie guided her to the elevator. "holy fuck!"

the next thing delilah remembered was that dewey, he sacrificed himself. and tara had been transferred to a new hospital. sam and delilah waited outside because they weren't the one who had injuries. "she's gonna be okay sam." delilah tried to reassure sam who just smiled at her. she was hesitant about going up to gale but she did anyways.

"listen gale.. i'm sorry about dewey." gale just sniffled, trying her best to smile. "he helped people. that's what he did."

"if he didn't help, my sister and her friend would've been dead."

"samantha, your sisters awake."

"i'm so sorry gale. i could tell he was an amazing person." she just smiled at delilah before both sam and delilah started walking back to tara's room to visit her since she was awake but that's when she heard a voice she knew.

she turned around, peeking behind one of the corners.

sidney fucking prescott.

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